From: New Orleans, LA
Sounds like: Progressive Metalcore
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Event Horizon” and is there any meaning behind it?
Ricky - I have been playing music since I was six. My cousin used to play clarinet and I looked up to her like crazy. I got my first guitar at sixteen and I started learning to play avenged sevenfold an various pop punk artists. A few years later I discovered as i lay dying which started my song writing. After the burial eventually determined the sound I was leaning towards though I will never escape my As I Lay Dying influence. I also listen to a lot of pop as they have the SICKEST hooks in music. I suggested the name Event Horizon as I'm obsessed with black holes. At first it had no meaning but as we started playing more together the name started to represent a the band. For us the name represents now "the point of no return" We have crossed a threshold together that we can not uncross. We also hope the name represents the music. We want people to get sucked in with no hope of escaping its grasp.
Julian - I played snare in marching band. And started my first metal project at 15 called In Tomorrows Shadow I've always been into groovy metal and that's what EH is. Come see for yourself and the meaning will flow through you as you experience our music.
Brennan - I started my musical endeavors about 10 or 12 years ago. I can remember at the time I was listening to Jimi Hendrix and I immediately knew I wanted to make those sounds. Jazz was my first foray into live music. Being a guitarist in a Jazz ensemble was not always the most exciting gigs, so I needed more energy and switched to metal. The name Event Horizon was a full band effort. We thought what has a big sound but doesn't scream metal when you first hear it. I also think we all have some interest in space and the universe. To me it is engaging to work on music revolving around these concepts. It doesn't get any bigger than the universe and technically you can write about anything. We are not pigeonholed into space only. It sounds cliche but every time I think of Event Horizon I think of the point of no return. We started this band with the intention of seeing it through to the fullest and have good time doing it.
Jarrad - I started when I was 14, I came from a family of musicians and naturally had the gift and ear for music. I picked up a bass for the first for Christmas and it was a marriage made in heaven! If I remember correctly it was Ricky or brennan who threw out the name. We were sitting around after we had a few practices and realized we love space and black holes. We wanted something simple yet impactful and event horizon has that feeling as something notable. When people say our name of talk of us it brings that feeling and respect around it.
Gary - I started out playing guitar when I was 12 years old. The beginning of my music career was spent playing guitar for several local bands including In Tomorrows Shadow and Dazein. These bands shaped the way I play music. I only did backup vocals a couple times in each group, so going from that to a full-fledged frontman was a huge undertaking and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Naming the band was a collective effort, and it goes along with the concept of our first release. I’d say the name of the band determined the story I wrote for this EP and has opened so many doors for future content.
2. What do you want people to take away from your "Singularity" single?
Ricky -I want people to be able to feel all the different influences we pull from and see this musical kaleidoscope that is what we listen to. From the poppier side to the more technical and heavy. But most importantly we'd like them to hear the story we are telling.
Julian - I want people to bang their heads and sing all the powerful lyrics with us!
Brennan - I want people to hear and feel the energy. The underlying message that I hope people get from the single, as well as the ep is never forget where your home is. Whether it is a physical place or being with certain people having a place where you feel at home is a big part of enjoying ones existence. Even in times of serious hopelessness, knowing where your home can bring a sense of identity and value in your life.
Jarrad - To share our journey as well as the story we want to convey with our music. Our ep is a journey and we want our listeners to come along for the ride we have provided them.
Gary - I want people to envision a journey, whether it’s their own journey or the one portrayed in the story. If it takes them somewhere away from their current reality then mission accomplished.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
Ricky - Metal with a side of Ke$ha.
Julian - Groovy ambient metal with a hint of tech.
Brennan - Distorted tight guitars that focus on driving rhythms and melodic leads. The vocals blend clean and harsh styles to create a dynamic constantly changing feel.
Jarrad - We have a little bit for everyone, you want technical we have it covered same as pop hooks and brutal breakdowns.
Gary - We sound like stars colliding in the vacuum of space. A perilous journey through time, and parallel dimensions. The sound of panic when you’re abandoned in space and left to fend for yourself and learning to survive. We are the point of no return, we are Event Horizon.
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Ricky - after the burial, parkway drive, Born of Osiris
Julian - Entheos, Rolo Tamassi, Stolas, intronaut in no order. Yea it's 4 I can count.
Brennan - I'd like to tour with Parkway Drive, Breakdown of Sanity, and Babymetal.
Jarrad - After the burial, born of Osiris, and all that remains.
Gary - Between The Buried and Me, Intronaut, and The Contortionist.
5. What are your three desert island albums that you'd never get tired of listening to?
Ricky - The Algorithm “Polymorphic Code”, Led Zeppelin "Mothership", Mick Gordon "DOOM OST".
Julian - Into The Moat- "The Design". The number 12 looks like you- "Mongrel". Deadwater Drowning self titled e.p.
Brennan - One of the albums has to be some sort of symphony work, maybe something by two steps from hell. I can listen to classical music indefinitely but when it comes to popular music I don't think I've listened to something past two or three years. I will go back and reminisce but limiting my music to three albums is impossible.
Jarrad - Hybrid theory- linkin park Chaos AD - sepultura Undertow - tool.
Gary - Between The Buried and Me – Colors / Refused – The Shape of Punk to Come / Intronaut – Habitual Levitations.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Metalcore?
Ricky - While metalcore is still booming the genre suffers severely on local and regional levels. Bands are trying so hard to be their favorite bands instead of just being themselves. We will go farther as a whole if everyone let all of their musical influences shine.
Julian - I've been in a metalcore band since 2003. So personally im speaking for myself I'm surprised that at the gates riffs and breakdowns are still around. But I respect all metal im just glad something heavy is standing the test of time.
Brennan - I think metalcore and metal in general is fading. Many of the people that progress the genre and continue supporting it are musicians. Much of what makes metal popular today is the technicality and energy which is difficult to find in other genres. My final thought is that metalcore offers the flexibility to play and do anything. The music is only limited by the imagination.
Jarrad - I feel it’s in a good place, bands are taking the metalcore formula and adjusting it to their style and liking. I feel the want and need for the pure genre of metalcore is returning and it feels as if we are at the forefront of the movement.
Gary - It’s never going to stop, as long as there are instruments and emotion it will continue to grow.
7. What’s the current music scene like there in Louisana both locally and state wide?
Ricky - Locally it's insane bands are playing every night. There is always a rock , blues, hip hop show. Non stop barrage of music. But there are few metalcore bands out here. New orleans is dominated by death, black ,doom metal. It's what people want, which is no surprise from the Sludge capital of the world. I'm not complaining, we have some of the BEST death metal bands in the country. State wide though is hard to say laffayette, houma, and baton rouge are awesome areas to play. but other areas from our experience has been hit and miss. there are some killer bands coming out of the Bossier area. So I'm excited to feel it out soon.
Julian - There are so many bands. That are scene is weird cause all of your fans are in bands too its strange to say the least plus no bands get signed from nola either.
Brennan - The local music scene seems to be doing well or decent. What I don't see is the sense of destructive competition. The days are gone where bands were talking shit and trying to tear down others. They have been replaced with people respecting others musical opinions and preferences. The statewide scene is dominated by the largest touring acts out there. Although many acts skip over Louisiana in favor of Texas and the other gulf coast states.
Jarrad - Locally it’s never been better! The bands have the love, passion and drive like never before! We trade shows, cross promote and strive to make each other better!
Gary - There was a bit of a lull for a few years but now I feel as though it’s picking up, more bands are surfacing and we hope to help put Louisiana on the map!
8. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Ricky - This is a weird one, so some artists do not care. they see it as spreading the music like a virus. Others see it as a loss of capital. Both are right. If you are ok with pirating though you should let your music be a free download so you can capture the metrics. I personally am not a fan of pirating music. We hurt the artist by doing so. I'd rather have everything be a free download than let people out right take it.
Julian - Download all day listen to us and share our art with everyone its meant to be shared.
Brennan -I feel that supporting ones favorite band needs to go beyond purchasing their music. Personally I make music to make music. I want to create what I want to hear or what I think someone else might want to hear. I write in hopes that someone gravitates towards a lyric or riff and finds some meaning. If they choose to support me by buying my music than so be it. I think illegal downloading is a double edged sword. More people will ultimately have access to the music but at the cost of diminished financial returns. I feel as though bands have to release there music through as many outlets as possible. Fans want music as fast as possible but then the burnout might come and people stop listening.
Jarrad - I feel as it’s a hinderance on payment and a way of life being sufficient but honestly as long as people still come out and support bands as far as concerts and merch sales then we will still continue to press on into great things!
Gary - If you really love the artist you should buy their music, if you believe in supporting music there should be no question. I get that people will download illegally to see if they like it or not, that can’t be helped but buy a shirt or attend a concert, maybe pick up a vinyl. After all, this is every artists livelihood and we wouldn’t be able to get far without fans.
9. What’s next for Event Horizon?
Ricky - We have a video shoot coming up, planning a tour for the release of our upcoming ep. New Music, I am constantly working on new jams.
Julian - Taking over the world one ear at a time just wait.
Brennan - We plan on touring, exploring, coring, and imploring you to listen to our single and enjoy what's to come.
Jarrad - What don’t we want to do? We want to evolve and keep on pushing ourselves and our sound one song and album at a time!
Gary - New music and touring, look out for a lyric video in the next couple of weeks and an actual music video to follow.
10. Any shoutouts?
Ricky - My dad for getting me my first guitar, mom for putting up with it all these years. Jenna for tolerating a constant barrage of “tikka tikka tikka” Blaine Lirette for being my first inspiration in the music community, Brennan for being a source of inspiration to be a better musician.Devin for always being supportive. Lee Dupont for introducing me into After the Burial. Jeremy Davis for always being a part of and supporting my music. Zack Keel for making my dreams become a reality. From the depths for seeing endless potential in us. Brennan's parents for letting us jam at their house. Everyone who helped us crowd fund our ep. And the Gulf Coast metal community for being the best community I have ever been a part of.
Julian - Shout to my boie jarred aggro, gavin, brett, navene, mr. Mcduff, Papa J my family, event horizon for letting me b apart of their journey everyone else who has influenced me in any possible way you k o who you are thank you.
Brennan - I'd like to give a shoutout to my family for supporting me through all my musical endeavors. Without them I'd have never been able to make the noise I need to make. Also I'd like to give shoutout to Zack Keel he helped us produce our ep and helped me find my voice for singing.
Jarrad - To many to name but first and foremost Bri and char! They allow us to get loud and practice our craft every week with no warrants and come out to shows and support us! They are two of our biggest fans. Next is Jeremy Davis! He’s our biggest and most loyal fan! Guy loves us and we love him so much and he’s single handedly helped us make our recordings a reality! Lastly everyone who comes out to our shows whether near or far hey make the trip and give us love! We are grateful to entertain the people who love us!
Gary - I want to say thank you for everyone that believed in us and to my band for having the drive even after all the projects we’ve been a part of to push ourselves this far and even farther.