(Victory Records)
Genre: Metalcore comparable to 7 Angels 7 Plagues, On Broken Wings.
Interviewed on: 12/8/07
From: New Fairfield, CT
1. What are your names and roles in the band?
EMMURE consists of Me ( Frankie ) , Joe , Ben , Jesse and Mark.
Jesse and Ben play guitar Mark plays bass Joe hits the drums and I sing.
2. How did you come up with the name Emmure? Is there any meaning behind it?
We were looking for a name that wasnt like all the rest we were hearing at the time..
a few years ago..every band was trying to have a name that was long and dragged out..we didnt wanna call ourselves something like.. " DEATH LOVING OF DYING YESTERDAY" ..so we figured a name that would be unique would be EMMURE..
The meaning is from a french term used to describe i type of torture.where one would be put in a cage and than bricked into a wall a live.
3. How did you hook up with Victory Records?
We were drunk at a party...and Victory Records took advantage of us...im pretty sure theres pictures floating around somewhere.
4. It was three years since since your EP and your full length on Victory, why is that?
Well I dont think it was 3 years..maybe about..almost 2 ..but basicly we got shut down by every other label ...we never even considerd victory records an option..but..yeah..we ate shit for a long time and did everything on our own..touring ..E.P..release..all that shit. It takes time until someone sees how hard youve worked. Were pretty happy with the way things came together.
5. How is the new CD "The Respect Issue" coming along?
Great so far...im super excited to put it out.
6. Any good show stories?
Theres lots of good show stories..most of them are the " ya had to be there kind " but one time in San Diego there was this drunk bum who was letting everyone write all over him...i wrote some horrible things on him..
it was great.
7. What's your favorite song to play live and why?
I really enjoy playing When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong..we always have a great time with our fans whenever we play that song..
8. If you could tour with any three acts, who would they be?
Korn , Limp Bizkit , Slipknot.
9. What are you currently listening to?
I listen to alot of Shere Kahn and On Broken Wings and SevenDust..Fear Factory also seems to make its way into the jams sometimes.
10. What's next for Emmure?
Hopefully sushi..cause I really love sushi....and probably bong hits.
11. Any shoutouts?
Yeah shout out to my boy GERBIL!! shout out to our fans..we love you more than you could ever imagine.
Shout out to everyone over at Victory Records and a shout out to big titties gotta love big titties.