-Interview- The Air I Breathe 4/12/08

The Air I Breathe

Genre: Screamo/Hardcore comparable to Underoath or Blessthefall.
Interviewed on: 4/12/08
From: Flemington, NJ


1. What are your names and role in the band?

Colin- Frontman and screamer
Josh- Lead guitarist and songwriter
Jeff- Guitarist and songwriter
Greg- Drummer and singer
Alex- Bassist
Eric- Synth / keys and back-up vocals

2. How did the band form?
Well, we started out as just Josh, Greg, Alex, and Jeff. This was about two years ago now. We weren't very established until about a year ago when Colin joined the band. We went through a couple frontmen who we weren't satisfied with until about 10 months ago when we discovered Colin. One of Alex's good friends heard that we needed a new screamer, so he recommended Colin to us. He came to audition and he was pretty legit. We had him scream "Writing on the Walls" by Underoath and it was great. He had the style, drive, good attitude, and the scream we were looking for. We only got Eric in about a month ago, and he has been a great addition. We are all like brothers to each other and we work very well together. I think this is the permanent line up.

3. When can we expect the new album? How's it coming so far?

As of now we have one song done. It is actually up on our myspace. It is called "I am Glad it was a Sea Monster and not an Alien". We are redoing our other song "Birth" at the same studio, so it should sound pretty tight. There will be five or six songs on our EP. We are just finishing up writing a new song which is going great. It has a very unique sound to it that we're very happy with. The EP should be done within the next four months or so. We don't have enough money to go into the studio right now, but we're going as soon as we can get it. We're not promising six amazing songs, however, if you like catchy chorus's, brutal breakdowns, and badass guitar solos, you will enjoy our EP. We put everything we have into our writing and we try to be as creative as possible.

4. Being from NJ (a traditional hotbed for music), are there any NJ based bands that influence you guys?

There are many bands who have influenced us in the NJ area. Bands such as Strike, The Odyssey, Even the Odds, Our Crisis, Waking the Cadaver, Van Atta High, Bandit! Bandit! and many others. We compare ourselves to bands who are farther than us to make our selves work harder. It is good to be hard on ourselves, and with out all the other progressing NJ bands, we wouldn't be working as hard as we do.

5. What's your inspiration for the song writing?

Have you ever noticed how signed bands always come out with that one amazing song that every body seems to enjoy? We work hard to one day write that song. The song that will catch every one's attention. We take many elements from different genres of music and many different bands. We try to come up with catchy singing parts, brutal screaming parts, technical and catchy guitar parts, and melodic, peaceful synth parts. We are starting to add in piano during some of our break downs to throw people off a little bit and grab there attention. Everything we write comes directly from our passion for music. Once we come up with one part, everything just flows from there. However, coming up with that one amazing part can be a pain sometimes.

6. What's your take on music downloading?

Well it's screwing the music industry big time, but i doubt it will affect bands like us. If you go on limewire trying to find a Gwen Stacy song or a For Today song, you will have a difficult time finding a good download in any. It mostly affects major bands like Fall Out Boy, the Academy Is, and such. As for itunes, we think it is great.

7. If you could tour with any three bands who would they be?

Hmm that is a tough one. I can't speak on my behalf so I'll try to speak for everyone in the band. I'm going to have to say Blessthefall, A Skylit Drive, and I See Stars.

8. What are you currently listening to?

We are listening to bands such as; Enter Shikari, Blessthefall, A Skylit Drive, Arsonists Get All the Girls, For Today, Gwen Stacy, I See Stars, Suicide Silence, Sky Eats Airplane, Oh, Sleeper, and many others.

9. What's next for The Air I Breathe?

Well the finals for the break competition are coming up in about two weeks so we are working on selling around 90-100 tickets which is a long shot for us. But if we win it we are playing Bamboozle 08' which would be amazing for us. Other than that, we might do a summer tour with our good buddies Your Final Hour and we are trying to play Cornerstone.

10. Any shoutouts?

For sure.... Your Final Hour, we love you guys! If anyone is interested in supporting us for the break competition, message us at myspace.com/theairibreathenj !!

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