-Review- Disperse Into Void - Fallout EP (2013)

Disperse Into Void
From: Lidköping, Sweden
Sounds like: Punk/Metal/Hardcore


Track Listing:

1. 11 Months In Hell, 1 In Heaven
2. Fallouts
3. My Blessing
4. Your So Called Sin

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Sweden has always been a country that is ahead of the curve when it comes to music. From ABBA and In Flames, to Blindside and Refused, the country pumps out some very influential forms of music. Fast forward to 2013 and the band Disperse Into Void. Two tracks are on the bands newest outing "Fallout" EP, while the other day are demo tracks. "11 Months In Hell, 1 In Heaven" starts off with a great guitar riff, when the vocals kick in it almost has a style that's comparable to Serj from System Of A Down. The music is very upbeat, punky but with a dash of metal. Some screaming vocals are sprinkled throughout the track and also includes an awesome guitar solo. "Fallouts" keeps things going with its melodic, high tempo pace and almost is two tracks in one. The next track "My Blessing" brings to mind a more metalcore/deathcore type sound. The drums and bass really kick things up and get your head banging. The different variations of vocals during the song really keep it unique. "Your So Called Sin" opens fast and never lets go. The track has a more metal overtone overall. This track and the others take the listener on a roller coaster of metal, punk and hardcore. Buckle in, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Disperse Into Void is a very intriguing band to keep an eye out for. They have an interesting style and like everything different, is very much an acquired taste. Sweden might just be onto bigger something here with its newest metal/punk hybrid. Keep an eye out for Disperse Into Void.

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