From: Milwaukee, WI
Sounds like: Punk/Hardcore
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “The Price Of Sanity” and is there any meaning behind it?
Logan: Luke forgot about and subsequently showed up late to a practice for a local music outlet, he brought Nate with him. I (Logan) was there and invited them to come over to my house to hang out. Nate told me he couldn't due to the fact that he "accidentally" took 8 laxatives (thinking they were ibuprofen) in one day and was having some "issues" (it was a crappy day for him). They came over the next day instead and Luke brought his guitar. We forced a mic into Nate's hand and said, "pretend you're Caleb Shomo." The End. As for the name, Luke shouted it out randomly and it has no meaning at all.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from your new "Re-Evaulation" EP?
Nate: It was the process of moving on and being okay again. So often we think that we cannot move on from a heartbreak, but the whole concept of the album is moving on and finding someone new.
3. What inspired you in the writing process for the "Re-Evaulation" EP?
Nate: Ex-girlfiends, pizza, and Real Friends.
Logan: *Laughs* No, but for real though, we all went through some seriously rough relationship situations during the writing process of this EP. It wasn't unusual for one of us to spend the night on the phone with each other crying it out. So a lot of this EP was written from our own hurts and pains.
4. What can people expect from your live show?
Logan: Nate jumping off of things, lots of energy and the girls hounding Luke for pictures. Band merch, flannels and tank tops, rough mosh pits and rowdy fans. Awesome music and a good time.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Luke: The Story So Far.
Nate: Sworn In.
Logan: Touche Amore.
6. Any crazy show stories?
Luke: YES! I got off stage at The Rave in Milwaukee when we opened up for August Burns Red, I was putting away my gear and this girl came up to me and awkwardly asked if I was the guitar player who just got off stage. I turned and said "Yeah", she giggled, snapped a selfie and then kissed me hardcore and ran away. Later, she put some pictures of the show on Facebook, she tagged me in one of them and when I looked at it, I saw that it wasn't me in the picture, but rather our buddy Nick, the frontman of Audacity (another local band that played that night). I was unenthused, but August Burns Red killed it.
Logan: How about the time, at that same show, when during our song 'Malaise' Nate shouted out "Lets see some movement down there" and some dude, stepped into the pit, spin kicked a kid in the face and then got kicked out of the show. Nate turned and looked at me, and the expression on his face was absolutely priceless.
7. What’s your take on the current state of punk/hardcore?
Luke: POP PUNK. The Story so Far is still tearing it up, Real Friends is taking over the world, the dude from State Champs has a good voice, and Knuckle Puck is really just a crappy version of Real Friends, but they're still super dope. So Pop/Punk is still alive and kicking. As for hardcore, Caleb Shomo, that's it.
Logan: As the resident hardcore kid, Id like to answer this question. The new Stick To Your Guns record is awesome, Harm's Way owns the world, basically because they're terrifying. Comeback Kid is still amazing. Touché Amore's split with Self Defense Family is ridiculously incredible and I don't care what anyone says, La Dispute is a hardcore band, and they're the best.
8. What’s the current music scene like there in the Wisconsin both locally and state wide?
Logan: There's like 3 bands that rule the scene Audacity, After Hour Animals and The Russian Sleep Experiment, and as far as I'm concerned the Audacity/After Hour Animals split EP is the best Metalcore of the year. If you don't listen to 'The Silhouette of Her' every day, you're doing life wrong.
Luke: I agree with Logan, the house shows are ridiculous.
(Chanda refused to comment)
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Logan: We all spend our entire paychecks on vinyl.
Nate: What paycheck?
10. What’s next for The Price Of Sanity?
All: A lot of gigs, new merch and new music. Meeting new people and loving on our fans. We're just gonna keep doing what we're doing and see what happens.
11. Any shoutouts?
Nate: After Hour Animals, We love you.
Luke: Any band who we've ever played music with.
Logan: All of our friends who stand by us and come jam with us at shows. My girlfriend for always supporting me, my parents for letting us take over their house every week and anyone else who ever listened to our music. We love you guys.