From: Montreal, Canada
Sounds like: Metalcore
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Hope In Misery” and is there any meaning behind it?
The name Hope In Misery was found during a random conversation between Antony and Julien. We were talking about lyrical content and we decided that we want to transmit the message that there is always hope to hold onto. We want our listeners to stay strong when life gets rough . We had a lot of changes since the creation of the band (3 different guitarists and 2 different bassists) and that totally made our sound and music creation diversified. After Chris and Sam joined, our sound has become more steady and representative of our ideology when making a song.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from your "Conquer" EP?
Conquer meant a lot to all of us, it really represents who we are as a band. We want people to understand that these songs were our very first ideas (#nofilter). It’s the foundation of this band, the birth of each members as musicians in this scene.
3. What can people expect from your live show?
They can expect us to give the best we have and perform better every single time. We put all our time into this and we love to give quality shows wether there is a lot of people or not. We give all we have and we want people to understand why we’re doing this.
4. What's your favorite track to play live?
We would say "Me Vs. Myself". It has a huge impact live, the crowd digs it and we notice that this is also where things get crazy on the floor! It’s also a very fun song to play on stage!
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
August Burns Red, Periphery, and Northlane were mostly named during our brainstorm. Many other bands were also on the list, but there are too many great bands to choose only three. We’d tour with any bands in our genre actually!
6. Any crazy show stories?
There was this show at the Piranha Bar in Montreal where Julien broke both sides of the bass drums skins!
7. What’s your take on the current state of metalcore?
We have different opinions on this one, we all agree on one thing: it could be so much bigger! We crave for a society that would accept our music as it does with other genres. There is also competition between bands, especially local bands… We’d like everyone to help each other, this way our scene could develop further more and metalcore formations would get better visibility.
8. What’s the current music scene like there in Canada both locally and country wide?
Unfortunately, our local scene is suffering a little. Not many people comes to local shows. It’s hard to start as a band knowing not a lot of big bands come here. And when they come, there is rarely open spots for local bands. Country wide, we don’t really know, we haven’t gone out of Quebec yet, but we’re planning on it.
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
It’s a double-sided knife. It’s a good way to have visibility, but it harms the basic expenses of debuting bands.
10. What’s next for Hope In Misery?
We are currently writing some new songs. We plan on going back into the studio in late 2016 to record our first full length album. We want to do a lot of shows, maybe travel around the country and over the United States if we have the opportunity.
11. Any shoutouts?
We would really like to thank Dave Boucher and Kevin Fernandez, our hometown show bookers. Without their cooperation and trust we wouldn’t have made most of our shows. Also, Mike De Sevigny for giving us the opportunity to play as headliners in Montreal. Sylvie Plourde and Martin Bouchard, for the whole support physically and financially. Sebastien Jaramillo Medina, our starter guitarist, and Cleo Belisle, our starter bassist. The one and only Julien Bouffard, from Dual Shadows Studios, for the amazing work behind the soundboard for our first EP. Michel Raymond for the sick live photoshoots. Avery’s Decent, Feels Like Home, Impure Insight, Cardinals Pride, Prophets, Phinehas, Brightwells, Braebrook, Becoming The Bully, Sharpshooter, The Show Must Go On, and all the other bands we had the chance to play with. And last but not least, all our fans and every single one who came to see our shows and those who care about us and our music. We wouldn’t be here without all of you!