From: Mobile, AL
Sounds like: Melodic Punk
2016 kicked off with A Sunday Fire releasing their "DIY Sessions" EP. They wanted to recreate the rawness of what it was like writing and recording in their front room. Get comfortable and let's go on a journey with them with this six song EP. "An Open Letter To A Closed Casket" starts the EP off with a bang. The track is melodic, fast and will surely get the two steppers moving. There's a slight Glassjaw influence on the track and that's always a good thing. It's a good track to open up the EP. "Out Of Her Life And Into The Bottle" keeps things at a fast pace with gang chants galore in the chorus and even a features a tremendous breakdown near the end of the track. It's a track that knows how to teeter on the punk/hardcore line. "Diana" has a State Champs feel to it as the melody is on full display here. The track is worthy of being a single and even brings out the hardcore influence later in the track. "Will I?" blasts right in with a guitar riff that will get your attention early and often. There's more post hardcore influence on this track as it really knows how to seamlessly entangle melody and harsh vocals perfectly. "Her Best Friend Was Hotter, Anyways" get it going right off the bat with a bouncy pop/punk breakdown which then creates one heck of a pop/punk track. It's fast, melodic and really shines. "The Ghost Who Wasn't There" closes the EP out with a track to remember. The track brings out the punk goodness that the band can churn out. It's a memorable end to a fantastic self recorded EP.
A Sunday Fires six song EP is an introduction to a band that punk/hardcore fans will be enjoying for some time to come.