From: Ocean County, NJ
Sounds like: Alternative Pop
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Sorry, Allyson” and is there any meaning behind it?
Brandon Cruz and Jack Rose started writing music in December of 2015. We come from a multitude of different musical backgrounds, with Brittany’s training in the Performing Arts Academy in Lakehurst, and all of us coming from many different previous bands. Our influences span every genre, with Brittany coming from an indie/folk background, Jack coming from a heavy experimental musical background, Brandon initially having influences from The Beatles and The Killers, and Anthony having influences in classic rock.
The name “Sorry, Allyson” was the first name for our band that we used at an acoustic open mic in Beachwood, NJ, and was a nod to our first singer. The name clicked and we stuck with it.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from your "We Are" EP?
That despite any setbacks such as people leaving and entering the band, poor timing, and having no backing, that you can still make a record in your basement and it will go places. If you have enough dedication towards your project and put enough work into it, everything will fall into place. While we are still experimenting with music genres, we have found a steady lineup and are ready to keep experimenting with different sounds and put out new music.
Also we would like to mention this first EP was recorded, mixed, and mastered in Jack’s basement.
3. What can people expect from your live show?
People can expect a high energy and a professional sound. We feel that it is really important to not only sound tight as a band, but to provide a show to any audience coming to see us. We want to get into building a strong visual production with lighting ‘n what-forth.
4. What's your favorite track to play live?
Brandon: My favorite is our soon-to-be single, “Three Years”.
Jack: I like to play the track, “Everything”.
Anthony: Off of “We Are”, “Nowhere Left to Run”.
Brittany: Off of our next EP to be released, “Caught Up”.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
We would love to tour with The Killers, Deftones, and Death Cab For Cutie.
6. Any crazy show stories?
Our first live show’s venue ended up cancelling on us last-minute (last-minute being as soon as we got there), so we were really stubborn and decided to play in a bar in Atlantic City instead at a random open mic, which was another hour drive on top of the 40 minutes it took us to get to the venue that cancelled. Because we are persistent to an annoying degree.
7. What’s your take on the current state of rock?
A lot of people think that the scene is “dying”, but it's just non-traditional to what it was 10 years ago or 5 years ago. It's just adapting and changing constantly. Rock will never be in a position of “dying” like everyone wants to fear, it is just dynamic. 5 and 10 years from now the landscape will change again, and this conversation, whether good or bad, will always be debated.
8. What’s the current music scene like there in New Jersey both locally and state wide?
Most of the shows that we have played thus far have been acoustic shows and open mics, but on any given late night people still come out to see acts like ours. Every band that we have played with has been unique and amazing to work with, and I think people really get that there is a great potential scene in New Jersey.
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Its an outlet to discover new music efficiently, and illegal downloading will never cease, but if you really enjoy and support a band or artist, you should be buying their music and showing them your support.
10. What’s next for Sorry, Allyson?
We are currently recording our second EP, which we feel is a huge step up for us in terms of songwriting, maturity, and production. We are hoping to branch into bigger shows and growing our fan base. Our goal is to really be open and ubiquitous with anyone who listens, so we want to constantly release, experiment, and grow with our base.
11. Any shoutouts?
Shout out to Marlee Conover, our original singer, Jason Andersen, our original drummer, and Mike Blume, our fill-in drummer for our first EP. Also we want to shout out to OCVTS' Audio for Electronic Media program, because without them we wouldn't have been able to do anything like this. Also shoutout to our friend Sammy Sosa, for no reason whatsoever.