From: Campobasso, Italy
Sounds like: Rock
1. Your "Newborn" single has been out for a little while now. What do you want listeners to take away from it?
Yes, it's been a few time, thanks to Valkyrie Rising label. Well, as always said, the main aim is to write a kind of music people can link to their own experiences. "Newborn" looks like the darkest track we've written, but it is just a facade. "I thought you came back to take my hand / but I saw myself illuminating the dark / rising from your shadow that imprisoned my whole life", it says. That's what we want listeners to take away from it: the awareness of owning the power to rise under the worst circumstances even when you're left alone.
2. Has there been any discussion regarding a music video for any singles? If so, which track?
Not really. Maybe in the future.
3. What was the inspiration for the cover art and who designed it?
Funny one. It was thought of and designed by our handyman Eleonora! A cover art is like a calling card, it has to be totally representative of the song. "Newborn" is the Phoenix, the emblem of rising from our own ashes. Without darkness there's no chance of seeing the light, and life is not only black and white. Name and title come out as a rainbow from a black background, that's how rebirth works.
4. What's your favorite track to play live?
Hard to pick one, songs are like children and you have no favorite child. We have fun playing our own music!
5. What artists are you currently listening to? Any acts you recommend that people should check out?
Well, the same old ones for sure. Evanescence as always, still waiting for Halestorm's new album to come out, the new Alter Bridge, love the ballads. What to say..Adele! Her "25" album is the deepest one, we love "All I Ask". We also covered it! Icon For Hire, really far from our own style, but they're great. And what a surprise, Sia, she's the best pop artist music industry can sell to you.
6. What was the last concert you went to as a fan?
Local band, I suppose.
7. As an artist, what's your take on the streaming sites (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, etc.) and how they pay royalties to bands?
Hard to answer as our label (Valkyrie Rising) handles it all for us. As an artist, streaming sites are a great resource to get listeners to know our music, through links and suggestions. It's the evolution of the industry, it's not that bad for those who grew up during the Internet era.
8. What is the local music scene like there in Italy?
If the idea of music isn't gonna change, we're not gonna change our mind about being so critical of Italy's music scene. The country's so close to new music sceneries, that radio still only accepts the same kind of songs and we end up listening to each one almost ten times a day. People are not used to listening to a music genre that is a bit different than the others, and the music scene isn't helping changing their minds. It is really hard for a new band to get people to know them over here. That's why we're constantly looking overseas.
9. What's next for Misthaven?
Constantly working. New music is coming, stay tuned!
10. What do you want to achieve in the next year?
A brand new debut album, singles, and videos. We're kinda ambitious.