From: Cape Town, South Africa
Sounds like: Metal
Red Tape Rebellion are a band from Cape Town, South Africa that meshes together experimental Metal and Grunge to create a rather refreshing sound by way of their "Red Tape Rebellion" EP. "Iron Fist" opens up the EP with a crunchy Metal sound that blasts through the speakers with a frantic pace. The track features a guitar solo which is truly top notch. It's a fantastic way to kick things off. "Light Em' Up" is a tad slower, melodic and heavier on the Grunge influence. The track is a tour de force of Rock and Metal combining to create a single worthy addition to any listeners collection. "The Illusionist" features a driving sound that has some Tool tendencies in its instrumentation. The vocals teeter on the melodic metal side of things but keeps up perfectly with everything going on in the multi layered track. It's the longest and hardest hitting track on the EP. "Relevance" has a hard Rock vibe to it and should get the live crowd banging their head and singing along without much worry. The track is really well done and even features a beautiful bridge section. "God With No Face" kicks into high gear and has that signature Red Tape Rebellion "crunch" to it. The track is easy to sing along to and will draw in more and more listeners with its highly infectious Rock/Metal sound. "27 Club" closes out the EP in high fashion. The track shines brightly and should be a single, it's THAT good. Six tracks is not nearly enough but should hold over fans a little while until new music is put out soon. The EP is six tracks of solid Metal/Rock that loads of fans of the genre could get into with ease.
Red Tape Rebellion don't mess around with their newest six track EP. Metal and Rock fans should pick this up right away.