-Review- Smiling Politely - "In The Wake Of The Storm" Album

Smiling Politely know how to pack a Hard Rock punch with their latest gem of an album.


From: Minneapolis, MN
Sounds like: Rock

Smiling Politely are a Hard Rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota which back in 2015 released this gem of a full length album. Let's listen and see what they're all about. The opener "Down Again" strikes a chord right off the bat with a very hard Rock styling that brings to mind Breaking Benjamin's early work. The track is fierce and shows its teeth through an exhilarating guitar solo. "Stick Around" brings the riffs right away and attempts to shred throughout its near five minute length. The buildup of the track which leads to the powerful chorus is a treat and should satisfy any fan of the Hard Rock genre. "On Your Own" continues the onslaught. The opening could very well be a Metal opening as it's just chaos in its delivery. The melody kicks in but the sound is still heavy and relentless. It's a solid track and should appeal to the heavier Rock/Metal music fans quite nicely. "Get Me Through" slows things down a notch before driving into a whirlwind of Rock sound. The track would be perfect on Rock radio as it puts the listener on a roller coaster of the Rock spectrum. "Sever" is an incredible track. It's on the heavier side but still has that signature Smiling Politely melody. It's a single in the making and should be a fan favorite right away. "The River" brings to mind right away the sounds of Boyhitscar. Once the track kicks into the breakdowns though, all bets are off and the rest of the track is a monster of a track with its stellar riffs and driving melody. "In Just A Moment" is the slowest track on the album and brings to mind the Grunge Rock sound. It's a nice change of pace and really sets up the last two tracks nicely. "Don't Close Your Eyes" gets back to the devastation. The track will get the listener pumped up, head banging and singing along. It's a spectacular track and should not be missed. The closer "One More Piece" is the longest track on the album and is also an acoustic track. It's a highly emotional track that will pull on the heartstrings of the listener. nThere's a lot of diversity on this album for every fan of Rock music to find something to love.

Smiling Politely know how to pack a Hard Rock punch with their latest gem of an album.

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