From: Manchester, UK
Sounds like: Melodic Metal/Rock
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Revival” and is there any meaning behind it?
We started out under a different name before Revival started. The name basically came from us bringing that band back (the Revival of that Band). One song was brought with us (the song Darkest Days from the 2012 EP of the same name) and from there we focused on writing material that we were all happy with. We aimed for a mix of what we all enjoyed at the time. Now with this new lineup, we’re back at that stage, going through what we all enjoy and working together to create new material to match.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from the "Fall From Grace" single?
"Fall From Grace" is the first new music since that EP back in 2012. It’s saying “Hey, yeah, we’re still here!” But it’s also giving listeners a taste of what’s to come later in 2017. It also shows that we can blend the heavier sound we’re better known for, with clean guitars and the soaring melodies you can hear throughout the song.
3. What can people expect from your live show?
Our live show is still a work in progress. We’re able to give an explosive set and we’ll always give our all, no matter what the event is. We’re currently working on our presence and movement on the stage. Once that is mastered, we’ll have a set that will not only catch ears, but eyes too!
4. What's your favorite track to play live?
We have a couple of songs that we love playing. Our current favourite is a song called ‘Ride’ just because it’s so fun to play, even in practice sessions. After that, we enjoy playing the song that most of our fans know us for, ‘Gone Insane.’ It’s catchy, there are harmonies, great individual sections and since it was our first single, everybody knows us because of that song. It’s also been played on every set since we finished the song.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Good Question…If it’s in our wildest dreams, Metallica, Iron Maiden and Avenged Sevenfold! But there are so many amazing bands around the world. If we could get on a bill with any major band, that would be a proud and exciting moment that we would not turn down!
6. Any crazy show stories?
We've not really had any situations we'd call crazy! Nearly all of the shows we've performed at have been rather straight forward. We've been lucky on that front!
7. What’s your take on the current state of Metal?
We think it’s seeing a bit of resurgence. There has been a rough patch of fairly stale releases, with only a few shining through over the past decade or two. But in the past 2 or 3 years, nearly every band has been coming out with great material. Now we’re just hoping that our material can sit amongst them!
8. What’s the current music scene like there in the UK both locally and country wide?
The UK scene is bustling. There are new bands appearing almost weekly and each band has something that makes them stand out. There are bands to fit every style imaginable. We believe in a lot of circumstances, the unsigned scene contains better music than the major bands are releasing. And gigs around here are cheap! Some major bands are charging a lot of money, with some hitting a ridiculous amount of money, just to see them and maybe 2 support bands. In the unsigned scene, you’re almost always paying less than £10 and for that you get to hear around 5 bands that all have great material. £2 to see one band is nothing these days!
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Legally, we think it’s great. There are positives to having both solid CD sales and online sales. It may take a while to get any good amount of profit from it, but it’s worth it as digital sales (and particularly streaming) mean the whole world can easily check out music. Illegal Downloading unfortunately still happens. No matter how much the internet will try and stamp it out, there will always be a way around it somewhere. It’s when things get leaked by media and not by the bands that gets us worked up. There are release dates for a reason, and yes you may release a song or two before that date, but if the whole thing is up beforehand, the excitement of listening to new music on an album is lost.
10. What’s next for Revival?
For us, we’re about to get started on our First full length album. We have a small run of gigs to get out of the way, but then we can slow down and focus entirely on perfecting and recording new material. We don’t have a date for release yet, but we’re hoping it’ll be ready for around Autumn 2017. As we said earlier, "Fall From Grace" is a taste of what’s to come. We’ve got some great sounding music ready to record, so keep your eyes and ears peeled!
11. Any shoutouts?
Shoutouts are going out to our families for supporting us, and helping us get some/most of the equipment to get us to where we are! Also to our close friends who are at every gig and helping to promote our music and merchandise.
Our shouts also go to From The Depths, who’s family we recently joined. We’re looking forward to working alongside you guys across the year ahead and then the time after that! Here’s to a good year!
A huge shout also goes to our PR Rep, Crystal Hamaker. For nearly 5 years we have known each other and she has been at our side ever since. What she’s done for us over that time has been incredible and we can’t thank her enough for all of her hard work and constant excitement at all news we’ve sent her way!
Lastly, to all the fans who listen to our music all over the world and come to watch us at gigs. Without you, what we do would not be worth doing. For all of your constant support, thank you so much! Stay tuned folks, 2017 is going to be a year to remember from Revival!