From: Thunder Bay, Canada
Sounds like: Rock
This new four track EP from Altamadum is a follow up to their "Levels" album and it shows a ton of growth in their sound. Let's dive right in and see what they're all about. "Anybody Out There?" starts off the EP with a tremendous Hard Rock type track. The riffs and melody will easily draw in Rock fans in droves with its infectious chorus and high accessibility. "Save Me" is a ballad that'll pull at the heartstrings of the listener. It's a slow passionate track that's easy to sing along to and get lost in. "Drugged Inside" is the radio edit version and it has radio Rock appeal written all over it. The track is a tour de force of sound that drives home the fact that their signature sound is nothing to scoff it. It's a stand out track for sure. "Tasting All The Pain" is the newest track from the band and it closes out the EP. The track shines bright as it gives a glimpse of the direction the band might be going in. It has an almost Folk vibe with a certain twang of Southern Rock. It's a different sound for the band and it's a thrilling conclusion to a very exciting short and sweet EP.
This new EP from Altamadum takes steps in the right direction that'll propel them to the next level in the Rock world.