From: Toronto, Canada
Sounds like: Metalcore
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Cadence Calling” and is there any meaning behind it?
I think we all just developed a love for music as we were growing up and in our early teenage years we decided we wanted to learn instruments and play in a band. When we all met and started playing together, we were writing bad songs that followed the typical Metalcore music structure with lots of breakdowns and clean choruses. We quickly decided that we didn’t want to have any clean vocals, and because of that, we had to step up our game instrumentally and try to be different in terms of song structure and technicality. Through this process we were just forced to write music that was catchy and melodic, but very heavy at the same time and that is something we strive for.
Our drummer Nikko thought of the name Cadence Calling and we all just pretty much liked the name and how it flows, and to us, that is the most important thing. But there is a meaning to it that we thought was cool. A cadence is the end of a musical phrase, so we took that idea and applied it to an apocalyptic kind of feel by saying “the end calling”. We are all into horror and the dark aspects of life so it really embodies who we are as people.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from your "Metamorphosis" EP? What's the word on new music?
"Metamorphosis" was our first release and it was something we worked really hard on for a couple of years. I think it was a good introduction to our band and what we’re all about. However, music is subjective and we believe people can take whatever they want from our music and apply it to their own lives. I guess the main thing that people can take away from it is that we’re a band that just wants to write cool music that we find enjoyable and that we’re only getting started. Our new EP is definitely a step up and probably a bit closer to the kind of sound we want to have. It is done being recorded and mixed/mastered; we are just getting some videos together and prepping for a nice marketing campaign to release this EP properly. We’re very excited for this new material and think a lot of people will like it.
3. What can people expect from your live show?
People can definitely expect a high energy show from us. We are not a band to just stand around and play our instruments; we want to give people a show to watch, rather than a show to just listen to. We try to move around a lot and make our set something worth watching, even though some of the parts we have to play are quite hard haha. We also want to start bringing more props and stuff on stage to make it more of an experience, and that’s something we’ll be looking into for the near future.
4. What's your favorite track to play live?
I think collectively, our favourite track to play live is a song off the new EP called “The accounts of evil”. It’s a very heavy and bouncy song that is just super Metal and we always have a lot of fun playing it. Another good song is “Post Mortem”. That’s another heavy song that is a crowd favourite and it’s nice to see everyone going crazy when we play it.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
We’re huge fans of August Burns Red and to tour with them would be completely unreal. To watch them every night would be so awesome! Another band who influenced us a lot as people is Motionless in White and touring with them would be beyond cool. There are so many bands we’d like to tour with that picking 3 is hard but I think touring with Wage War would be cool. They’re really the only up and coming Metalcore band that has caught our attention in the last couple of years and we think they’re going to be huge. We played a show with them already and they’re really nice guys!
6. Any crazy show stories?
Nothing really comes to mind, all our shows can get pretty crazy at times. We’ve had walls of deaths, circle pits, crowdsurfers, and things like that. Every show our bass player jumps into the crowd and moshes with them while he plays and that’s something most people don’t see every day haha.
7. What’s your take on the current state of Metalcore?
We honestly feel that Metalcore is very saturated right now. There are too many bands that are following the same kind of formula and have the same kind of sound because of it. It’s very hard to find bands that are thinking outside the box by creating their own sound or doing cool new things. We’re definitely trying to bring something new to the table and I think our new EP is a good reflection of the direction we’re heading in.
8. What’s the current music scene like there in Canada both locally and country wide?
We can’t really comment on country wide because we haven’t played too far from home yet but locally the scene is not the greatest. Not very many people go to Metal shows, not unless the band is pretty big. For our band specifically, the shows haven’t been too bad in Toronto; we are always able to bring out a little bit of a crowd. That being said, we’re remaining optimistic and will continue pushing to bring out more and more people to the shows we play.
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
To put it simply, if you like a band and want them to continue putting out music then buy their album. Or at least pay for a subscription platform like Spotify and listen to their album a bunch of times. I really don’t see the need to illegally download anything when you can get so much for free or next to free already. In terms of streaming services, I think they can actually be a good thing. The way I look at it is this; if someone buys your album you get paid once. If they listen to that album 1000 times, you still get paid once. But with platforms like Spotify, you get paid for every listen, even if it is a tiny amount. Of course the bigger your band is the more money you’ll make. Music sales have gone up in 2016 due to streaming though and there are bands that are saying they’ve been making more money now due to streaming than they ever made from cd sales. To us, that is definitely a positive.
10. What’s next for Cadence Calling?
Hopefully lots of touring! We really want to make an impact with our music and just get more people aware of us. We want to tour as heavily as possible and hit as many cities as we can. We have a Canadian tour lined up this summer and hopefully we can head to the States early next year. We’ve got a music video that will be coming out soon, with plans to do a second video sometime this summer as well. Lots of stuff is coming so make sure you follow us on social media to keep up with everything!
11. Any shoutouts?
We just want to say thank you to anybody that has ever taken the time out of their day to check us out. We know that there are so many bands out there fighting for your attention, but you gave us a chance and we appreciate that beyond anything. Also thanks to From the Depths Entertainment for getting us on board and doing this interview with us!