From: Rome, Italy
Sounds like: Pop Punk
Room On The 3rd Floor are a Pop Punk band from Italy who recently released this full length album. There's a ton of buzz about this album so let's dive in and see what they're all about. The opener "Like My Fave Bands" kicks right into high gear. The track brings to mind the Punk intensity of NOFX. The little breakdown halfway through is a nice addition and ramps up the energy level even further. The track is a solid opener that helps set the tone of the album. "Unrequited Love" has a Blink 182 vibe to it as its Poppy as well as having a more traditional Punk high energy. It's highly infectious and should be on everyone's radar. "I Hope That You Will Hear This Song" has an immediate early Green Day influence. The track is controlled Pop Punk chaos. There's a soaring chorus on the track that elevates the track to an even higher level. The passion just pours out of the track like crazy. After a slow deliberate intro, "Pumpkin's Parade" drives home the fact that the band can unleash catchy melodies along with the melodic Punk riffs that just shred. It's an excellent track that showcases great range. "Christmas In August" is more of a ballad of a track. The emotion is on full display on the track for all to see. "The First Song I Write For You" keeps the pace as a slower level as it is an acoustic track that'll give you all the feels. "Little Girl" has a nice rockin' vibe to it as its slow but ramps up akin to Weezer. It's a different side of the band and it works perfectly. "From Morning Until Night" features a tremendous amount of layers. It starts off slow before erupting into a wall of sound that blows the doors off the album. It's a real treat of a track and should be heard right away. "Get Out Of My Face" is a romp through the Pop Punk wilderness. It's a track that'll bring to mind Good Charlotte as it knows when to crank the energy level to 11 as well as having the hook that'll get stuck in your head for days. "Singin' In The Sun" features stellar guitar work throughout the track. It's an upbeat track that's perfect for blasting full volume in the Summer. Crank it loud and enjoy the awesome goodness! "Where Did The Time Go" takes things down a couple notches in the energy department. The track methodically keeps the listener along on the audio journey. "Music Speaks" is a mostly instrumental track that only has vocals later in the track. It's a beautiful track and keeps the variety coming. The last two tracks are acoustic versions of previous tracks "Like My Fave Bands" and "I Hope That You Will Hear This Song". The tracks are nice chilled back renditions of the two normally upbeat versions. They have such a knack for creating awesome ballads. The band have their own distinct style of Pop Punk and that's such an incredible feat. Keep listening and look out for bigger things coming from Room On The 3rd Floor.
Room On The 3rd Floor bring all the Pop Punk goodness with their full length album.