From: Greeneville, TN
Sounds like: Technical/Progressive Metal
Glass Idols just released this EP a few days back to let's not waste any time and get right to it as to why you should have your eyes and ears on this band if you're a fan of Metal/Metalcore. "Violent Designs" opens up the EP with instrumental, atmospheric tones to help set the mood. It's the calm before the storm so to speak. "Sequoia" continues the tones and creates a whirlwind of a breakdown to open things up. The ferocity of the track is off the charts. The track becomes more amplified during the Melodic Hardcore type chorus (no clean singing). There's Progressive Metal as well as Metalcore influences on the track which really helps it stand apart. "Emory" is powerful in its intensity. There's some subdued clean vocals which help add depth but the unrelenting Metal sound just bulldozes its way through the four minute span. There's a slight melodic break later in the track before giving away to a slower, more Progressive breakdown. "Thema" starts off with Progressive tones and riffs before exploding into a more Metalcore sound. The harsh vocals on top of the Metal instrumentation really movies things along and once the breakdown hits, all bets are off. The breakdown is very layered and really pushes the envelope of Metal breakdowns. There's a Between The Buried And Me vibe halfway through the track and it features a ferocious breakdown that'd surely make them proud. The track slows things down for a bit into the more Progressive territory. It kicks back in with clean vocals and a more Melodic Metal sound. The end of the track is pure brilliance as everything comes together in a tightly wrapped Metal bow. "Violent Ends" closes out the EP with a stunning sound that'll get heads banging for days. There's more melody on the track than previous tracks but the aggression is still at the forefront. It's a very dynamic closer that has so many moving parts that come together naturally to create such a fantastic closer.
Glass Idols take a sledgehammer to the Metal/Metalcore scene with their newest EP.