From: Mexico
Sounds like: Metalcore
Fallen From Skies are a band that have roots in Mexico, Uruguay, and Argentina and are determined to create a tour-de-force Metalcore sound that stands head to toe with the heavyweights of the scene. Their recent "Responsibles" EP does just that and let's tell you why in our review. The opening track "Like Tomorrow's The End" starts off with drums and chanting before blasting into some incredible Metalcore sound. The clean melodic vocals come through soon after but just add enough melody that brings to mind early As I Lay Dying. It might be melodic but it's still hard as Metalcore comes. The breakdown near the end of the track is just absolutely crushing. "F.E.A.R" kicks right in and doesn't back down from anything. The track goes full balls to the wall and features a Slipknot type sound to it with the clean melody along with the mosh pit inducing Metal sound. The chorus soars and the track should be a fan favorite right away. The closing track "Chance to Revenge" opens up with acapella singing before breaking into a bouncy breakdown. The track has a different feel than the other tracks but it still has that bite to it. The melody on the track is top notch and very very infectious. There's even a guitar solo on the track that takes it to an even higher level. The only drawback with the EP is that it's only three tracks long.
Fallen From Skies are merciless in their Melodic Metalcore approach with their recent "Responsibles" EP.