From: Joliet, IL
Sounds like: Punk
Prison City Brigade from Illinois are known to mix different types of Punk to create their own unique sound. Let's dive in their newest album and see what they're all about. The opener "Man Up" has Skate Punk written all over it. The track is fast, melodic and under two minutes long. It's a strong opener that really lets the listener in on what the band brings to the table. "Prehistoric Wordplay" opens with a strong bass riff and spoken lyrics before blasting into an old school fun Punk sound. The live crowd will sure be two stepping and singing along to this chaotic track. "Octocock" is an acquired taste of a track due to its lyrical contact. The instrumentation is fast and relentless. "Take Back Your Scene" is hard as hell. The track speeds through its not even two and a half minute length like a runaway freight train. "Gas Leak" features chants of the title and it's highly melodic while still maintaining the high energy of their previous tracks. The track overall is top notch. "Meet Me By The Stairs" is controlled chaos. The verses are slowed down but the chorus is highly explosive. The guitar work on the track is incredible. There's a slight Bloodhound Gang vibe on the track as well. "Dad"?" is the shortest track on the album and most straight forward. It's catchy in its own right and should be a fan favorite. "Get Famous First" has a Ramones feel to it. There's an edge to the track that helps make it a stand out track. "Shitty Presents" should be on everyones holiday playlist. It's fun, straight to the point and shares the point of view from many people. "Mixed Signals" opens with a groovy bass line before erupting into a whirlwind of Punk sound. The melody on the track is in the forefront and really showcases a more radio friendly Punk sound. "Give Em' Hell (Riot)" chugs along and doesn't hold anything back. It's hard, heavy and in your face without apologizing for anything. The closing track "We Are The Brigade" is the longest track on the album and really puts the bow on the release. So much is packed within the track and album as a whole that Punk fans will guaranteed to find something they'll love.
Prison City Brigade have a Punk album here that puts the fun back in the Punk genre.