From: Rome, Italy
Sounds like: Hard Rock/Alternative Metal
1. First and foremost, how are things with Impervious Mind coming along?
Everything good so far! We’re working on our first album, and we’ve almost finish it. We are very exited about it!
2. The "Dark Society" music video looked like a lot of fun to shoot. Do you have any plans for anymore music videos?
Yes, we just finished to shoot a video, since it’s Christmas Time right now, we wanted to make a nice gift for everybody, and it will be out one of these days!
3. When could we expect an EP or album?
I don’t know exactly, I guess in 2018, but since we are a band that works hard on our songs, we want to take all the time we need, since we don’t want to make songs that we are not 100% convinced!
4. Italy is such a diverse country full of history and some really really good musicians. What are some things that you wouldn't think people from outside the country would know about its music scene?
Unfortunately I don’t have really nice words for the italian music scene… There are lot of incredibly good musicians and bands, and it’s just a pity that people don’t care so much.
5. How does the writing process work with the band?
We have a really slow process, we start with a simple riff, and we work very hard on it, but in the end it doesn’t mean that the song is good for us, so it happens that we work to a song for a long time, and when we’ve finished it, we’re not satisfied with it, and so we won’t play it again. As I said, is a very slow process, but we want our 100% on every song.
6. What artists are you currently listening to? Are there any that you'd recommend people checking out?
Well, Foo Fighters, Alter Bridge, but also less famous bands as Afasia or The Cliffhanger.
7. Could you tell us a bit about how the singles "Dark Society" and "Fairy Tales" mean to you and how they're different from each other?
Well the meanings of the songs are really different, if Dark Society was more direct to a Society that controls and “guide” you, Fairy Tales it’s, in a way, more romantic. It’s about the moment when you realize that your childhood is finish, and when you understand what the world really is, you just feel like you want to go back to the moment where your parents tell you a nice fairy tale to sleep.
8. If you could change one thing about the Rock music scene right now, whether it'd be globally or locally, what would it be and why?
Well, people respecting artists buying their stuff, would be an incredible thing. Being a musician is really expensive in this world, where “bigger” musicians ask you to pay to open their concerts, this kills the bands, and it’s not about quality, but only “how much can you give me?”. It sucks, really sucks.
9. What do you think about the streaming services such as Spotify, YouTube, etc. and how they pay the artists their royalties?
Not a big fan, but this is the business now, am I right?
10. What do you wish to accomplish in the next year?
We want to go again to play around Europe, it’s our main purpose, then finally record this album.