From: Odessa, TX
Sounds like: Thrash Metal
Nightmare Canvas are a Thrash Metal band from the extremely Metal state of Texas. They just released their blistering new single "Demon Inside" and are out to prove that they have what it takes to come up through the ranks of the always competitive Metal scene. The track kicks off with a subdued Metal intro before blasting straight into straight shredding and chaotic circle pit inducing riffing. There's an early Black Dahlia Murder/early Lamb Of God vibe to the track as it pushes forward full speed ahead. The breakdowns are pretty intricate and earth shattering. The guitar work on the track is brilliant (see guitar solo later in the track. The drums keep up and sometimes even push the envelope with daring the rest of the instrumentation to keep up with it. The track closes out with a brutal breakdown which will help entice the listener to reach for the repeat button. The track is five and a half minutes of pure Thrash Metal gold.
Nightmare Canvas struck Thrash Metal gold with their new single "Demon Inside".