-Review- Unravel - "Skyline" EP

Unravel take Rock music to new heights with their "Skyline" EP.


From: Ravenna, Italy
Sounds like: Alternative Rock

The country of Italy has become a hotbed for some incredible Rock music over the years. Unravel are a band who's ready to come up through the ranks of the local scene and expand their Rock sound out around the world with their newest "Skyline" EP. The opener "Moonbeam" relies heavily on piano as it helps set the tone for the cinematic Rock sound that's about to be conjured up by the rest of the tracks. "Anyway" opens with a melodic riff before blasting off into the stratosphere. The uplifting sound brings to mind Muse or Alter Bridge. It's a tremendous track and the added dual vocals and oustanding guitar solo take things to an entirely different level. "Wish" is Alternative Rock to its core. The track is filled to the brim with melody, guitar riffs that are incredibly catchy and vocals that it all the right notes. "Reach" is the lead single and it's a hit in the making. The track is more of a ballad at times but still soars when the timing is right. Thee's so much passion and emotion on the track and that helps it become as powerful as it is. "M.I.n.E. (Falling Skies) closes out the EP in epic, seven minute fashion The track is everything Unravel has to offer and then some. It's cinematic, beautiful and something every music fan should listen to. There's so much to like on the EP and do yourself a favor and check it out as soon as you can.

Unravel take Rock music to new heights with their "Skyline" EP.

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