From: Omaha, Nebraska
Sounds like: Hardcore
Downhearted have been making waves in the Hardcore scene recently and with their new EP out and about, let's tell you why you need to pick this up if you're a fan of heavier music. The opening track "For Shame" is an instrumental intro track that features a crushing breakdown which helps set the heavier tone for the upcoming track. "Die This Way" is an all out war on the senses. Right from the jump has some Comeback Kid influences and later on injects a bit of early Stick To Your Guns. It's an opener that gets the blood flowing. "After Party Blues" has circle pit written all over it. The track is hardcore through and through as the breakdowns come quick and often. The Hatebreed sound comes through as it tears through its near four minute length. "Lowlife" comes in and brings to mind Bury Your Dead with their devastating breakdowns and no nonsense form of Hardcore. "Expression Through Aggression" has a bit more melody than the previous tracks but in no way is it soft. The track pulls out all the stops to make sure to keep things heavy, fast and aggressive. "United States of Disgust" kicks off with an audio clip of a former president before erupting into a mosh-tastic breakdown to really set things off right. The circle pit gets flowing next with the whirlwind sound. The track keeps things grooving like a freight train going full speed ahead. The breakdowns are crushing and the track actually takes the intensity up a notch halfway through. The ramping up in intensity results in absolute destruction to close out the track. The single annihilates everything in its path with its crushing Hardcore sound. "Muderweather" is two minutes of mayhem. The track is unapologetic and relentless as the speed and brutality shine bright. The closer "Old Gods" starts off with a massive breakdown and is relentless in its intent. The slow sludgy breakdown gives way to the breakneck pace of the circle pit inducing Hardcore sound. The onslaught of breakdowns continues and doesn't give the listener any room to breathe. The track closes out with a slow deliberate sound of an off the rails breakdown.
Downhearted go for the jugular with their "Artificial Integrity" EP.