1. We Are Parkas - "Penny Drop" (Bristol, United Kingdom)
2. Paulus Hook - "Fine Line" (New Jersey)
3. We Wear The Mask - "Paralyzed" (Dalton, Georgia)
4. Final Call - "Sloshed" (Long Island, New York)
5. The Upside - "Lasting Hope" (Kentucky/Indiana)
6. Loud Mute Rage - "Empty Pages" (London, United Kingdom)
7. Oakrest - "I Don't Know" (Re-Imagined) (Toronto, Canada)
8. Prison City Brigade - "Time & Fear" (Joliet, Illinois)
9. Audrey Ripper - "Chelsea Smile" (Braintree, United Kingdom)
10. Hail Alien - "Fix Your Friends" (Detroit, Michigan)
11. Avanti - "The Outside" (Cincinnati, Ohio)
12. HellHeart - "This Love" (Pantera Cover) (Modesto, California)
13. Falset - "Paralysis" (Toronto, Canada)
14. Stepping Sideways - "Awakened" (New Orleans, Louisiana)
15. The Human Tragedy - "Barren Entity" (Huntington, West Virginia)
16. Generation Underground - "Spineless" (Old Bridge, New Jersey)
17. We The Unwilling - "R Face" (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
18. Neostem - "Self Entitlement" (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
19. Elbow Room - "Sinking" (Cleveland, Ohio)