From: Manchester, UK
Sounds like: Deathcore
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Portrayal Of Ruinn" and is there any meaning behind it?
Calvin – I am an attention seeker, that cannot play an instrument but loves heavy metal. Eventually, I decided that I should try being a vocalist, seeing as I liked to pretend I was awesome at doing it on the dancefloor in various rock and metal bars. I was in another band before this one, but I personally feel it was training for me towards this band. I am still learning new tricks and skills, but I have definitely learnt that being a metal vocalist is not just about screaming as loud, or as long, as you can.
Sean - I used to be in a band a few years ago and then it just ended so I didnt play for a while. Then my brother Tom asked if i wanted to jam with him and he sent me the tabs for a basic version of one of our songs (Sufficient whispers).
Tom G - I just got into music just as normal growing up but realized that I like my stuff on the heavier side. Getting our style just came naturally as we all come from different backgrounds of metal, and it comes through in our playing.
Tom F - I grew up with my dad listening to stuff like Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, then Nu Metal happened and I started getting into heavier music. I started really getting into Tool because of their sick bass riffs so and that’s what started Influencing me. We were trying to come up with a band name for a few weeks, until Tom brought up the name Portrayal of Ruin. It’s a reference to a Castlevania game, because we are all a bunch of nerds. The reason Ruinn has two N’s is because someone made a typo, but we decided to keep it because we are edgy.
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
Calvin – There are pro’s and con’s in being a screamy rawr rawr vocalist. Con’s being that people will not understand me straight away. Pro’s being that people will not understand me straight away. When I was younger I was set in the mind frame that I am not capable of writing lyrics, but now I know I am more than confident. I’m not a fan of metaphors, I like to get to the point, so when people understand what I am saying, I want them to know exactly what I am angry about.
Tom G - I just want people to enjoy what they hear to be honest and find some sort of joy in it.
Tom F – I love seeing people really getting into the music and head banging along during shows.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
We are still trying to create our sound, but I think we can all agree that we are going down the Blackened Deathcore route. We like to write music that is heavy, dirty, capable of punching you when unexpected, but with some melody to even it out.
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Calvin – Bleed From Within (because I am a massive fan girl), Chelsea Grin, and recently gained a love for InVisions.
Sean - Dying Fetus, Micawber and Belphegor would be awesome.
Tom G- The Black Dahlia Murder, Killswitch Engage, Bleed From Within
Tom F – I’d absolutely die if I played with Thy Art Is Murder, Meshuggah or Killswitch Engage
5. What are your three desert island albums that you'd never get tired of listening to?
Calvin – Devildriver – The Fury of Our Makers Hand, Bleed From Within – Alive, Sylosis – After Lifeless Years
Sean - Belphegor: Bondage goat zombie, Judas Priest: Painkiller and Death: the sound of perserverance.
Tom G - Killswitch Engage-The End Of Heartache. Poison The Well-The Opposite Of December. Kraftwerk-Computer World
Tom F – Tool - 10,000 days, Thy Art Is Murder - Hate, Meshuggah - ObZen
6. What’s your take on the current state of Deathcore?
Calvin – I think Deathcore is in a good place right now. It is capable of standing on its own two feet, but it works alongside so many other genres when gigging. If we are put with a bunch of slam bands, then I doubt there would be an issue. Metalcore gig? Shove a deathcore band in to beef it up a little. Pop punk might not be a good combo though.
Tom G - I think it's going well, it keeps going from strength to strength and more people are appreciating it.
7. What’s the current music scene like there in the UK both locally and country wide?
We are based in Manchester, but at the moment we seem to be getting more gigs outside rather than local. At the moment the in thing is slam and hardcore bands. Country wide I feel it depends where you are, but Tech metal and post hardcore seem to be going strong at the moment.
8. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Calvin – Not going to lie, I illegally downloaded music for about 10 years. In my mind, if I wasn’t downloading it, I’d never listen to it. Now people are complaining that gigs are too expensive and bands are not making money through the likes of Spotify. In my opinion, it is due to people like me.
Sean - I would rather people buy albums to support music but as long as people can hear the music and share it with other people, then i dont mind.
Tom G - Yes I have done it before in the past, but nowadays with how more easily accessible music is nowadays if you illegally download I think there's something wrong with you.
Tom F – I used to download music back in the days of Limewire but once I started working I buying CDs and once Spotify rolled around I pretty much just use that. I get why people do it but it’s just not for me anymore.
9. What’s next for Portrayal Of Ruinn?
We only started playing in March, but we feel that we are further ahead than we should be. We have a few gigs coming up, some big, some small. We are currently trying to save some money up so we can get our first video out, and then get and EP out and ready for the world to listen to.
10. Any shoutouts?
Like to give a shout out to my boys in This Is Turin, Sworn Amongst, Ventures, Clashmute, Albion Codex, The Human Veil, and Detest! Big shout to Jed Saint in Rawkus Events. This dude has given us some amazing gigs in such a short space of time, so we are looking forward to working on more with him in the future!