From: Pittsburgh, PA
Sounds like: Rock/Punk/Metal
Neostem come from the rich music area of Pittsburgh, PA and they bring along with them their newest EP Let's see what they bring to the table. The opening track "Self Entitlement" cranks right in with an explosive sound. The crunchy riffs and dynamic vocals brings to mind Nu Metal and Grunge with its intensity. It's a good opener that helps set a heavy tone. "Driftwood On Dry Land" begins with some nice bass riffs before slowly working its way towards a more melodic style than the opener. The track definitely has the Mudhoney influence as it glides along effortlessly. The title track "LiPiD" is a bit of an anomaly. It has shades of Rock, Punk and Metal and may just get the circle pits going in a live setting. "Common Senseless" is more of a controlled Rock track that has dark tendencies and knows when to turn it up to 11. The closing track "Crass" is two minutes of Grunge. There's a Nirvana vibe throughout and it's perfectly melodic and heavy to really close things out on a high note.
Neostem go all out with their intense sound via their newest EP.