From: Toronto, Canada
Sounds like: Rock
This new eighteen song album is an expansive release from Plaid On Flannel's Nolan Randall (who wrote, performed and produced the entire album). Let's dive on in and see what it has to offer. The opening track "Harmonic Sign" has complexities that make it a wonderful opener. Swirling melodies, incredible guitar riffs and grooves that'll get your toe tapping, it's a good way to kick off the album. "Love Desolation" has a throwback Rock vibe to it. The synth is an added effect on the track and adds an element of depth. "Into The Night" takes a bit of a funky turn. The 311 influence is on full display and it actually works pretty well. "Isolate" goes Alternative Rock in its delivery The driving riffs and melodies keep it on a tight track and help make it shine bright. "Veteran Prospect" has a bit of Blues feel to it. It's a tad slower at times and shows off a different side of the act. "All Hail" kicks the pace back up. The track has a nice energy to it and keeps things on a Modern Rock clip. "When The Rhythm Comes In" focuses on tremendous guitar work to help the overall pace. "The Inside Guide" brings to mind Blue Oyster Cult with its riffs. The vocals keep things interesting throughout but the thunderous instrumentation really take it to another level. "Up And Down The Highway" is a bit subdued. The emotional track has incredible depth and really hits all the right notes with its diversity. "Movement" has some bounce and crunch to it. The track is incredibly infectious and will get people singing and dancing along in no time. "Always Go Deep" would be a fantastic track to just roll the windows down and blast at full volume. It's that type of track and will be a hit with all listeners. "Better Place" is an upbeat number that pulls listeners in from the start and doesn't let go. There's an R.E.M sound to it as the melody and riffs are off the charts. "Same Game" is a nice 70s Rock type track. The melody and riffs are easily sing-able and jam-able and will get a lot of fans sucked in because of it. "The Essence We Embrace" is pure Rock. The track takes no prisoners and really goes all out with its Rock stylings. "Karma Slave" has a Counting Crows sound to it. The methodical pace and Rock sound is easily digestible and could easily be played on the radio. "Smoker's Coat" takes things back to a dirty Rock sound. The Southern draw to the track help separate it from the rest of the album. "Virgin Lungs" is different as it has some Hip Hop influence (and sample). The track is an acquired taste but it won't be long until you're hooked. "Roundhouse Song" is the closing track and it wraps up everything up brilliantly as just a fun track to enjoy as full volume. As a collection of meticulously crafted songs, album works wonders. If you need an album to just get lost into, this would be a perfect candidate.
Plaid On Flannel's new monster of an album keeps your focus throughout its entirety.