From: Hudson, FL
Sounds like: Metal
The band Shattered is an act that has been putting it down strong in the Florida Metal scene for a bit now with their brand of Metal. Let's take a listen to their recent EP and let you know what it's all about. The opener "Parasites Of The Earth" is three minutes of Shattered getting you up to speed on what they're all about. Fast Metal, vicious vocals and an extreme controlled chaos that is rarely heard. "Crowd Control" will get the crowd moving for sure. The guitar work is top notch and the heaviness is off the charts. "Pride" starts off with some bass riffage to create a "calm before the storm" setting. The breakdown that ensues shortly after is a thing of beauty. The guitar solo adds a dynamic depth to the track as well. "To Forgive Is To Forget" has riffs for days. The track is a monster and is heavy as hell. It's mosh-tastic! "Battle March" starts off slow but picks up and unleashes fury upon the listener. The Thrash sound is prevalent with the track as it speeds along like a runaway freight train. The closer "Bound For Glory" is an exhilarating romp through the Thrash/Metalcore wilderness. It's everything Shattered is all about and it closes out the EP in exciting fashion.
Shattered go straight for the jugular with their recent "Pride" EP.