From: Cincinnati, OH
Sounds like: Indie Rock/Punk
Vermont's newest EP is a small taste of what the band are up to at the moment. Let's take a listen and see if they take their sound to even greater heights with their new EP. "Friendship" immediately kicks things off with a groovy riff that pulls you in from the get go. The upbeat energy along with the smooth rockin' vocals keep things tight and polished throughout its length. There's a slight Death Cab For Cutie vibe on the track. "Treeshrew" begins with a wall of explosive instrumentation before the vocals eventually kick in near the one minute mark. The track is more high energy than the previous track but dips down with melodic sections at times. Towards the end of the track is a bit chaotic in all the right ways with instrumentation and melody that sinks its teeth in and doesn't let go. Two track isn't nearly enough but gives a good appetizer for hopefully more music from this young upstart group.
Short, sweet and to the point, Vermont's new EP will leave a long lasting impression on you.