From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sounds like: Indie Rock
The opening track "The Arbiter" is a rockin' beginning to the EP. There's a throwback vibe throughout as it has infectious vocals, smooth guitar riffs and melodies for days. "Kidnapped" keeps that old school Rock vibe churning. At certain parts of the track is a more Mumford and Sons vibe that incorporates a more Folk/Blues sound. "Grace Like An Anchor" opens with another guitar riff that kicks things off. The track builds until the 50 second mark until the chorus which doesn't have the impact it should. The second verse kicks up the pace with more driving riffs and has a payoff of a pretty short but stellar guitar solo. "Not Getting Stronger" keeps the energy up throughout its near four minute length. The track is solid in all aspects and should be a fan favorite with its delivery. The Halo video game influences continues with "The Cartographer's Incentive" (see "The Arbiter" for the first reference). The track is a two minute romp that amps things up with more Nirvana-esque riffs. The closer "Improvised Jean Tourniquet" is a near five minute track that sounds like it should be on a Zach Braff movie soundtrack. It's Indie Rock at its core and just as passionate. Towards the ending of the track it really takes off into another level. Everything works and works quite well on the EP as a whole. The EP is incredibly easy to get into and at just six tracks, you need to give it a chance at your music collection.
Mellow Cassette have created a throwback Rock sound that's fresh and catchy.