From: Westampton, NJ
Sounds like: Pop Punk/Rock
New Jersey has always been a hotbed for up and coming acts and Cinema 23 are looking to keep that trend going with their newest EP. The opening track "Radio Girl" takes a bit to get going but once it does, it explodes with Pop Punk fury. The melodic chorus and added gang vocals add incredible depth to the rowdy track. "Tripping Over Every Hurdle" is a fast paced track that'll get the live crowd fired up. The Blink 182 vibes are strong on the track as it treads the line of Pop Punk and Rock perfectly. "Two Beers Down, One Night Stand To Go" keeps the pace at high level as it churns along at a steady clip. The bridge of the track is quite unique and needs to be heard to be believed. "To Find Understanding" takes things up a few notches. The driving riffs and melodic vocals create a whirlwind of Pop Punk that is raw and relentless. The closing track "When It Rains Indoors" doesn't pack it in. The track is just as high octane as the previous tracks and keeps the Pop Punk flowing (just wait until close to the end of the track when it really ramps up). Sitting at five tracks, this EP is a perfect small taste of the untapped Pop Punk potential of this up and coming act. Keep an eye on this band!
Cinema 23 set themselves apart in the Pop Punk scene with their new EP.