From: Columbus, GA
Sounds like: Metal
1. What's new with the band?
When we got back from the last leg of our tour we made the decision to get back to writing. We had to take so much time getting "Rise of the Fallen" ready that we are very ready for new material. So we are now working hard for new album which we should have details soon on it!
2. What can you tell us about the new music?
One thing is for sure, we are pushing ourselves harder than ever on this album! We are trying to bring new ideas we haven't done and really try and give all we can to all of our amazing fans!
3. Do you have any pre-show rituals? If so, what are they?
Honestly I don't think so haha, we all stretch and go over changes moments before we go on. One good fist bump and we are ready to throw down with everyone!
4. What's one highlight in the past year for the band?
For us the highlight would be doing a 30 day tour successfully all on our own. Most bands that tour like us have labels support and a lot of backing. We have nothing. So for us to get out there and tour we are giving up alot and really just hoping we make a good enough impression that we can see you guys again. It's a lot harder than most people think but we love it!
5. What's one thing you'd change about the local music scene?
Thats a loaded question haha, one big one id say is supporting each other. Most think we are always competing with each other when in reality we shouldn't be competing in any way we should be helping one another. Band together and take over the world!!!
6. What are you currently listening to?
At this very second I'm listening to Joe Rogan podcast. But last song I'm really digging is still the new Killswitch Engage!!!
7. What do you think about streaming services and how they pay out royalties to artists?
We do use them all. I have a love/hate with them. On one hand I love the fact that I can now reach many many more people that I wouldn't normally be able to reach. But the pay is ridiculous. You have to literally be Slipknot to make anything and thats just not right. Artists of all kinds should be recognized better.
8. What do you wish to accomplish in the next year?
We are looking to release the new album and tour the US once again! Also have had some talk in a European offer so if we can get that off the ground we would be more than stoked!!! We are very excited for the next 2 years at minimum and seeing how far we can push our dreams around the world.