From: Santiago, Chile
Sounds like: Avant-garde Death Metal
1. What's new with the band?
The most important thing has been the release of our second full-length "Conquering the Deep Cycle", and the promotion that it has had, either through digital media such as the live shows we have had.
2. What can you tell us about your upcoming tour?
The tour began in August of this year in our country, then it was three weeks for some countries of the old continent, and we are eager to step on Argentine soil to be able to show our art in a few more days. This will end approximately the first half of 2020, on Chilean soil.
3. Do you have any pre-show rituals? If so, what are they?
Just as we don't have a ritual or cabal, we only worry about warming up a bit before going on stage. We also drink beer, hahahahahaha. The important thing is to trust other colleagues and have our equipment working in optimal conditions.
4. What's one highlight in the past year for the band?
Far is the release of "Conquering The Deep Cycle" album, and personally, and I think I speak for the band as a whole, having been able to tour Spain, Romania and Bulgaria; the reception of the public was incredible, and we took advantage of knowing train stations, buses and airports, jajajajajajaja; You know life on the road.
5. What's one thing you'd change about the local music scene?
Musically the local scene is amazing, there are many very good bands; what we need is more music industry, in my country (Chile) there is no support or financing that the bands deserve. In simple words, we cannot live from our music, right now it is by far, but much love of art.
6. What are you currently listening to?
I am listening to a lot of national music, the last works of Decem Maleficium and Lefutray are extraordinary. Also bands that I can never stop listening to as Rush, Voivod or Kreator, are always on my playlist.
7. What do you think about streaming services and how they pay out royalties to artists?
They are totally necessary, the dissemination for local artists is what we need most, but as I mentioned before, you don't see much financing.
8. What do you wish to accomplish in the next year?
Personally, I want to enter the studio, we all have many new ideas, and we want to translate them later on what will be our third album. So Weight of Emptiness remains for a while. Stay Unbreakable.