From: Calgary, Canada
Sounds like: Jazz/Rock
This live album from Jazz/Rock hybrid act Long Time No Time is 26 tracks long. Out of those 26 tracks, 11 tracks are interludes with spoken dialogue. In this review we'll focus on the music tracks on the album, in order of the tracklist. "Not Exactly An Overture Pt. 1" is more of an intro track than anything else. The track introduces the listener to the technical prowess of what the band has to offer. "Something New" keeps the groove gliding along at a nice melodic pace. The track is awesome in its delivery and lays down some awesome solos. "Sun Song" is an instrumental track that features enough twists and turns to make it pretty digestible in its delivery. "I Don't Wanna Go To School Tomorrow" goes all over the place in its approach. Once the track settles down, it's better for it as it showcases the brilliance of the direction perfectly. "I Don't Have To Go To School Tomorrow" is a slow, methodical track that slows things down for a bit. "Bring It" is a mellow track that brings the pace down a little. The instrumental track is solid in its intention and keeps things interesting. "It Ain't So" is seven minutes of lo fi Jazz/Rock. The track is solid and should garner a few fans off the melodies. "Eh Majah" is an acquired taste of a track. The vocals add a dynamic layer to it but the instrumentation is on point for sure. "Ma7 Chord Song" is an instrumental track that showcases their true talent. They let loose and the track is better off for it. "Strut N Stride" is a pretty laid back affair. It has Summertime vibes as it's strictly instrumental but keeps the tone at a nice solid pace. "Get Up" is a uppity track that will get listeners dancing along right away. The track is outstanding and should be a fan favorite. "Get Down" is an instrumental that features the signature sound that the band is going for perfectly. The track sways to and fro with its Jazz/Rock sound throughout its three minute runtime. "If I Had A Boat" has a bit of Ska to it. The track is more fast paced with its vocals and tempo. The track works really well and is easy to sing along to. "Tom Bone" is more Jazz driven and has a nice beat to it. The track is a gem in the making with all of its intricacies. "The closing track is two tracks in one in "Stubbler's Gump/Not Exactly an Overture, Pt. II". The first half ("Stubbler's Gump") is more of an outro while the second half ("Not Exactly An Overture Pt. II") seems like a bonus track. They both work for what they do but clocking in at twelve minutes and having such drastic styles, the track probably should've been separated into the two respective tracks instead of all of the other interludes. Overall, the live album reveals the overall talent of the band perfectly and anyone looking to listen to them could easily enjoy this album.
Long Time No Time's live offering showcases the talents of the band and so much more.