From: Fort Wayne, IN
Sounds like: Hard Rock/Grunge
The opener "Cultivation of the Dead" is a thirty second intro track to build some ambience for the rest of the album. "Subhuman" is the longest track on the album, clocking in at six and a half minutes. There's a ton packed in the run time and shows off some dynamic range. "AntiChrist" kicks up the Hard Rock vibes to even higher levels. The crunch that the track has oozes Rock appeal and should be a fan favorite in no time. "This Is Not A Drill" is a driving track that is perfect for long drives and just getting lost in and singing along to. It'll get the live crowd moving along and chanting the chorus back for sure. "Bullseye" starts off with a shredding guitar solo right from the get go which then transitions into a more Rock heavy sound that drives full speed ahead with riffs galore. The surprising soaring vocals in the chorus is a nice touch and adds more layers to the track. The melodic verses continue as the riffs really deliver that pure Rock feel. "Lost Voice" starts out pretty moody and builds a somber tone. The vocals are emotional, passionate and pull at the heart strings as the laid back tone of the track builds up to a wall of sound when it erupts around the two minute mark. The track dips back down with its melodic instrumentation and flips back up its passion at the ending to close out the track. The track is a tribute to the late Layne Staley and they wear their heart on their sleeve with the track and their passion really shines through. "Ropes" has Rock radio written all over it. The track glides along a nice smooth path while still having some harder edge. "See Hear Now" has a lot of layers to it that'll beg for repeat listens. The track shows dynamic range and has a chorus that's easy to sing along to. "Everything's Wrong" is outstanding. The track builds upon a simple riff and blazes ahead forward with confidence and swagger. The toe tapping and head banging appeal is off the charts. "Crying Sky" dips into the ballad side of things. The track is emotional and pours out its heart in its tone. "Isolation" starts off with a somber riff before slowly picking up steam. The haunting vocals kick in and slowly thereafter, the track picks up the heaviness a few notches. The ballad-like chorus will get lighters swaying in no time during a live show. The instrumentation keeps things moving at a nice steady clip as the vocals shine bright with its emotion. Later on in the track the instrumentation takes over and just simply rocks out. "Yours is Not Life" has more of a Grunge feel to it. The track has moody vocals and sways back and forth with some crunch and melody. "Breathe" is five minutes of aggression. The track goes bonkers and is better for it in unleashing everything. "Spider on the Ceiling" is hard, heavy and in your face. The track twists and turns with a slightly different sound but it works quite well because it lets loose. The closer "Driving Me Mad" wraps up the album nicely in a nice tight Rock bow. Tremendous overall album from Withered Veins.
Withered Veins unleash Rock fury with their newest full length album.