1. Faith In Failure - "On The Line" (Ohio)
2. Retched - "Horrific" (Southern California)
3. Desert Raiders - "Heart of the Wasteland" (Portugal)
4. Trip to Paradise - "Still Right" (Germany)
5. Ephemerus - "Necessity" (Kansas)
6. Revelation Attic - "Future Being Invented" (Latvia)
7. Heedless Elegance - "Split" (Hungary)
8. Blood Union - "A World Apart" (Pennsylvania)
9. The Ocean Deep - "Cyanide" (Minnesota)
10. Snailmate - "Donuts in the Rain" (Arizona)
11. Jumping The Gun - "Carpal Tunnel" (Florida)
12. The Isolated Brigade - "Whale Tale" (Illinois)
13. Alfonso Conspiracy - "Creepy Crawlies" (United Kingdom)
14. Carbonstone - "Phantoms" (Maryland)
15. Blanket Hill - "Moon Logic" (Luxembourg)
16. Indign - "Son of Ares" (Illinois)
17. Vaticide - "Annihilation" (United Kingdom)
18. The Eternal Daydream - "Fear" (Sweden)
19. Titan Killer - "Lethal Strike" (Austria)
20. Next Stop Olympus - "My Affliction" (United Kingdom)