From: Finland
Sounds like: Metal
"Tuleen Kastetut" blasts right in and doesn't hold back. The riffs create a whirwlwind of chaos as the aggressive vocals take center stage. The track teeters on the edge of Thrash and Death Metal variations and leaves carnage in its wake. "Minä olen Kuolema" continues the Metal onslaught. There's a Slipknot like opening that barrels full speed ahead with the more signature sound of the band themselves. The groove heavy track will be quite the stunner for a live crowd. "Loputon teurastus" is fast, heavy and all about rage. The track is a runaway freight train of destruction and pulls out all the stops with its intensity. "Kadonnut" begins with a Hatebreed like build before transitioning into a more downtempo Metal sound for the pacing. The track is a little bit slower than the previous tracks but it still has that heavy edge for sure. "Ikuinen kidutus" is five and a half minutes of pure Metal. It's an awesome track to just enjoy the showcase of the band's true talents. "Pyhä tappaja" will induce some serious circle pits and headbanging. The track is an all out assault on the Metal senses. "Kidutustappaja" mixes things up and creates more of an atmosphere with its opening and overall tone. The track gets quite heavy and goes all out and doesn't lose any momentume in its riffs and extreme vocals. "Kuolema kutsuu kaikkia tänään" wraps up the album nicely and really puts a nice stamp on everything with its natural Metal sound.
Panssarituho take a sledgehammer to the Metal scene with their newest album.