From: Brazil
Sounds like: Metal
"Decline of Mankind" is an opener that pulls in the listener with ease. The track features shades of Progressive Metal, Thrash and old school Metal to create a melting pot of headbanging fury. The tone that is set with the track helps the overall bar that the rest of the album has to keep up with. "Slaves of Religion" glides along a solid path of Metal and has the chops to keep up with any heavyweight hitters of the genre. "Hope" is pure melodic in its core. The instrumentation is fast, heavy, catchy and the vocals help add range to take it to the next level of awesome. The track should be a favorite in no time. "Starve" is crunchy and sinks its teeth further into heavier territory. The riffs soar and add extreme depth alongside the moody vocals. The track might be on the steadier pace but it still packs a punch. "Bloody Beauty" gets things going back into a Thrash Metal style. The track blasts forward like a runaway freight train and unleashes fury upon the listener. "Breath of Death" is a five minute romp through the signature sound that the band creates. The twists and turns of the track keeps things interesting and showcases their true talents perfectly. "Blood Sea" is more methodical but features Thrash moments that puts the pedal to the Metal, literally. The driving force in its riffs and they keep the breakneck pace with ease. "End of Chaos" lets loose from the get go and doesn't slow down. The track encapsulates everything Helltern and cranks it to 11. The track and album as a whole will stick with the listener and should be a favorite for any fan of Metal.
Helltern's newest album should be a surefire hit for fans of Metal.
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