From: Denmark
Sounds like: Orchestral Death Metal
The opener "Sermon" is a one minute intro track to set the ambience and atmospheric tone for the rest of the EP. "Last Song of Earth" is an epic eight minute juggarnaut as it pulls out all the stops in creating a sound that's truly remarkable to get lost into. "Ultima Dis" keeps the carnage flowing along. The darkness, heaviness and melody that the track contains is remarkable and it showcases the brilliance of their sound perfectly. "Honor What Comes Next" features another instrumental opening before blasting into the meat of the track. The Orchestral Death Metal trademark sound is on full display for the near four minute runtime. The closer "Agnus Dei" wastes no time in building the symphonic atmosphere. The wall of Orchestral Metal hits right away and the vocals kick in sortly after to keep pace with the moody instrumentation. The track twists and turns at its instrumental chorus to build tons of depth. Around the three minute mark the track slows down to conjure up even more ambience and aggression. The unleashed fury shortly after is amazing in its delivery. The ending of the track is epic and closes things out on a top notch note.
Sinnrs deliver a truly astonishing EP for all Orchestral Death Metal fans to enjoy.