From: Norway
Sounds like: Metal
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Dying Alone" and is there any meaning behind it?
I started back in 1990 after buying my first electric guitar. Roaming the guitar shops in Birmingham UK, I found my first used ESP guitar, a Mirage Deluxe black. My favourite band at the time was Metallica and Sepultura so of course playing their songs occupied most of my time. Never got the chance to join a band at that time, but made my first song which will be launched on the upcoming LP. It is called ´The big motherfucker´ 😊. So my sound is influenced by my teenage heroes I guess. A mix of Metallica, Sepultura and Slayer, but also digging into the Norwegian scene with the likes of Emperor, Immortal and Dimmu Borgir, also including the symphonics and choirs giving extra dimension.
The name of the band is influenced by several factors. A personal factor is my life until a couple of years ago has been filled with the work, stress and focus on material goals and earning more money. Realizing that I had little value or even memories to look back on regarding my family, kids etc, I saw that the path I was living eventually would get me divorced, friendless and little real contact with my family, focusing too much on success and money. This path would ultimately mean ending up dying alone, without close loved ones around me. So yeah, guess its pretty personal and also a reminder to myself and also maybe others that the things that really matters in live is a close relationship with family, friends and doing work and living your life that is more meaningful. The artwork of the album reflects this as you see the old ´me´ lying in the gutter, realizing too late that I should have taken care of my closest.
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
The songs on the upcoming album is a vast mixture of music styles, trying to communicate the different metal styles which has filled my life and still are. As many other metalheads I have so many different bands I listen to. Having favourite tracks ranging from Metallica and Dream theater in one end and Emperor, Immortal and other black metal bands in the other. I hope there is one or two track at least that most metalfans will like. Regarding the lyrics my texts is reflecting the life I have lived and the important change in priorities to have a more meaningfull life. In addition, relevant topics affecting us all these days as the first single Isolation for example. Being in isolation myself in July last year, being pretty ill of delta virus, the psychological nightmare it can be being stuck alone with nothing but your own thoughts is probably something most of us can relate to. The upcoming single Disharmony is actually about having ADHD. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and the track reflects the big contrasts it is to live with it. Its pretty interesting to actually also musically show this contrast from chaotic speedy riffing and blastbeats to more harmonic and balanced parts. Will be interesting to see and hear if other metalheads like me with ADHD (diagnosed or not) can connect with this track!
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
As pointed out earlier the sound is influenced by my heroes starting mainly from Metallica and ranging over too more extreme death and black metal. I have worked a lot to make the tracks diverse in regards to keep the listener interested from beginning to the very end. I always have loved the tracks which you listen to right until the end, filled with great quality and diversity. This has been for me the biggest goal, basically not having this A4 recipe that many bands use to produce music. This is why I hate pop music! Its so predictable and boring!
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Tough question! The three bands coming first to mind is of course Metallica, Slayer (hopefully they will do a comeback) and Dimmu Borgir.
5. How has Covid affected what you do as a band?
Well I must say that Covid and the fact I quit my job in march 2020 (within the same week) are the reasons Dying Alone excists. At last, having time to do what I´m passionate about. I´ve seen so many other bands struggling in this period, and I hope life will go back to normal soon. In this last year I have been able to work and brainstorm with many musicians who have had the opportunity to spend time on my project. Of course really grateful for this and also the new friends I have made. Hopefully touring with some of them in the near future.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Metal?
I see so much positivity in the metal scene on a general note. Seeing so many new bands emerge and also many older renewing themselves. In these shitty times of late maybe it has given the music industry time to renew itself for the better. Having time to focus on producing quality music and not only doing shows. Todays business model for artist isn’t ideal as the income from streaming plattforms are poor for the smaller and medium artist. To survive one has to do so many shows and this can be really exhausting. Hopefully we can find other means to generate revenue for the bands so they can spend more time on producing quality music.
7. What’s the current music scene like locally there in Norway?
I must say that there is coming a lot of quality out of our small country. Seeing so many genres succeeding international is great and a motivation for me and other aspiring artists. The Norwegian metal scene is well known, and it is great to see new great music being made and soon performed live.
8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?
Again – the model for artists today isn’t sustainable. Too much money is going to the big artist and of course the streaming companies. It’s a jungle out there to make sure you get an audience, especially if you are new and upcoming. We have to seriously look into a model which gives fair pay to all parties involved in the industry. From the artist, sound guy, venues and agents etc its important to create a sustainable solution which ultimately means giving the fans quality music and hard working artists at least income to make ends meet.
9. What’s next for Dying Alone?
We are working hard to finish the album. That’s the main focus. We have 13 tracks and I have made a promise to myself that all of the will be given time and resources to be something special. This takes a little time and love, but with the team around me we have made a great working environment. We are giving out three more singles until the album is released in May this year. We are working on lyrics videos for the next two and the last single will be a new proper music video, like Isolation. We are also planning a release concert locally in Norway in the summer. About touring generally we have some feelers out there so we maybe can get something this autumn and next winter. The main focus now is getting the music out and hopefully succeeding in getting some fans.
10. Any shoutouts?
I have some shoutouts to give of course. A big shoutout to Dan Drumm who is not only my producer, but also now composing the music with me. He has unbelievable talent and basically makes wine out of water. We have made a great team and he is also the guitarist in the band. Another shoutout to Asmund Torgersbråten for taking care of all the what’s and if´s in releasing the music. I mean it’s a jungle out there with SoMe and all and Asmund is taking care of everything perfectly. Asmund is also doing keys in the band. Also some quick shoutouts; to Øystein Garnes Brun (also founder of the great band Borknagar), not only mastering the music, but also giving valuable advice on the way, Jostein Thomassen (guitarist in Borkangar among others) also giving valuable advice and composing some of the guitar solos on the album. Further a shoutout to Vegard Finnekåsa and Tom Andre Tidemann for great advice and help on the way. Last but not least – My wife and family for great support and patience.