From: California
Sounds like: Death Metal
The opener "Portals" sets a furious tone early. The standard it sets unleashes with that Death Metal flair that should scare the heavyweights of the scene. The riffs are on point and it's an opener that grabs the listener right away and doesn't let go. "Totalitarian" is a five minute track that showcases a ton of depth. From the opening piano work to the headbanging riffs to the melody around the three minute mark to the guitar solo towards the end, the track displays their talents perfectly. "Sleepwalkers" is more straight forward in its approach. The track is the shortest of the bunch but is filled to the brim with intensity. The closer "Iridium" will deliver some truly devstatating circle pits in a live setting. There's a touch of melodic riffs but other than that, it's straight chaos through and through.
Kushtaka crushes all opposition with their explosive EP.