Sounds like: Metal
From: Germany/Hungary
"Anything" opens with the EP a bouncy breakdown to get things started. The vocals take hold of the listener and don't let go. The melodic/groove riffs are on point and creates quite the memorable opener. The title track is next is more explosive than the opener. The more Metal tendecies come out to play as it's a tad faster and more brooding. The guitar solo later in the track is on point. "Drowned" continues the onslaught of that signature Isn't sound. The clean vocals are a tremendous touch during the chorus and elevates the track even further. This should be a crown favorite in not ime with its melodies and heaviness. "Kobold" brings its toe tapping appeal to the forefront. The grooves are awesome and along with its crunch, make this a track to jam out to. The closing track "Never Day" wraps up the EP nicely as it showcases everything the band has to offer and then some as there's a Southern Rock twang to some of the riffs. The EP as a whole is a mind blowing spectacle of Metal that should be appreciated by every fan of the genre and then some.
Isn't looks to establish themselves as quite the band to keep your eyes and ears on.