1. Absinthe Allie - "What I Need" (Nebraska)
2. Abstentious - "Off The Wall" (Pennsylvania)
3. A Dolphin - "Desire" (Belgium)
4. Acid Claw - "Silly Heart" (United Kingdom)
5. Alkyvad - "Everyday" (Nebraska)
6. Altamadum - "Echo in the Night" (Canada)
7. Another Days Demons - "End It All" (Arizona)
8. Antapex - "Blacker Than Black" (Nevada)
9. Anti Body Division - "Scars" (Connecticut)
10. Arctic Dreams - "The Way to Infinity"
11. Area 91 - "All Along" (New York)
12. Artwork for the Blind - "Hubris Minds in Dystopian Times" (Kentucky)
13. Ashes of Adonis - "Serpentine" (California)
14. As It Festers - "History" (Illinois)
15. Assault on 5th - "Nu Violence" (Pennsylvania)
16. Astral Sleep - "Integratron" (Finland)
17. Audation - "Pockets" (Nebraska)
18. Aventurine - "Rage" (United Kingdom)
19. Baja Caravan - "We Remain Defiant" (Arizona)
20. Beyond Chaotic - "Saturday Night" (Florida)
21. Black Box Recovery - "Fever Dreams" (Maine)
22. Black Hornet - "Fever of the Night" (Germany)
23. Black Sun Brotherhood - "Memento Mori" (Norway)
24. Bleed the Fifth - "World Eater" (United Kingdom)
25. Blud Red Roses - "Falling" (New Jersey)
26. Brave the Elements - "New Blood" (Texas)
27. Breaking Serenity - "Rise" (California)
28. Break the Sky - "Can't Breathe" (Ohio)
29. Bring Me The Fires - "Big Red Tie" (Missouri)
30. Broken Past - "Some Gave All" (New Jersey)
31. Carnareum - "Stop Me" (Sweden)
32. Cellar Twins - "Achlys" (Belgium)
33. Cetragore - "Zolom" (Massachusetts)
34. Chase the Pancake - "Automata" (Switzerland)
35. Chester Doom - "Anxiety" (Canada)
36. Chronic Trigger - "Child Predator Dogs" (Utah)
37. Chugger - "Five Feet Down (Reborn)" (Sweden)
38. Cline's Mind - "My Darkest Days" (New York)
39. Cold Hearts - "Skeletons" (Oregon)
40. CutThroat Suzy - "War" (South Carolina)
41. Daredevil Pilots - "Addicted" (New Jersey)
42. Da'vaim - "Sacrifice" (Australia)
43. Dawn Vally - "Gardens" (Canada)
44. Dead End Job - "Conspiracies" (California)
45. Dead West - "Lover" (Arizona)
46. Death Assault - "Kill" (United Kingdom)
47. Delphi Ravens - "Take My Hand" (Oregon)
48. Denigrate - "Rara Avis" (Finland)
49. Destroyers of Reality - "Fear"
50. Dreamwoven - "Until the Dust Settles" (United Kingdom)
51. Ebullition - "Cycles of War" (Florida)
52. Echoes In Ashes - "The Unseen" (Arizona)
53. Ekoa - "Chimera" (Poland)
54. Elektrik Reign - "All The Way" (Kentucky)
55. Ephemerus - "Failure" (Kansas)
56. Evil Sweet - "Out of Nowhere" (New York)
57. Exiler - "Disconnected" (Spain)
58. Face Behind the Betrayal - "Two-Faced" (New York)
59. Faith in Failure - "Ohma" (Ohio)
60. Fastfall - "Serotonin" (Pennsylvania)
61. Feast on the Fallen - "Cult" (Pennsylvania)
62. Fighting Whiskey - "Run" (Canada)
63. Fix the Glitch - "Savage Lands" (Minnesota)
64. Forever Knights - "7 Minutes in Heaven" (New York)
65. Formula 400 - "Spector" (California)
66. Free Mace - "Paradise" (Florida)
67. From A Nightmare - "Home" (Maryland)
68. From Planet 3 - "When Angels Fight" (California)
69. Fuzzripper - "On the Run" (Tennessee)
70. Gainer - "Nemesis Reflex" (New York)
71. Ghost of the Mill - "Fair Land" (Pennsylvania)
72. Grace of Drowning - "The Hallow" (New Jersey)
73. Grandeville - "Chinese Empress" (Italy)
74. Gravis Somnia - "The Scarred" (Iowa)
75. Grim Grin - "Yesterday Morning" (Pennsylvania)
76. Halfpace - "Hand to Hold" (Pennsylvania)
77. H27 - "Black Widow" (Wisconsin)
78. Heartache - "Faces" (Italy)
79. Heartless Day - "DmGd & ScRrd" (Germany)
80. Heathen Hearts - "World of Ash" (Finland)
81. Helltern - "V: The Wrath" (Brazil)
82. Higgs Field - "Leader in the Eye" (Australia)
83. Houses in the Sky - "Hostage" (Pennsylvania)
84. Hyperia - "Severed" (Canada)
85. Imajjjin - "An Arduous Bloodlust" (Kansas)
86. InComing Days - "Lights Out" (Washington)
87. Indign - "Call to Tepes" (Illinois)
88. Infamous Demise - "No Shields" (Arizona)
89. In Peril - "The Life of Gary" (United Kingdom)
90. In Somnia - "Onomatopoesis" (Austria)
91. Isn't - "Leave our World" (Germany/Hungary)
92. Jean Cabbie & The Secret Admirer Society - "It's Only Right Now" (Puerto Rico)
93. Joe's Groove Huddle - "Believe Me" (Germany)
94. Jumping The Gun - "Carpal Tunnel" (Florida)
95. Just Reborn - "Don't Hurt My Soul" (Italy)
96. Just the Basic - "You Had My Heart" (Michigan)
97. Kaliage - "Depth Perception" (Italy)
98. Kamenar - "Crazy Life" (Florida)
99. Kaosphere - "All is Lost" (Australia)
100. Konfront the Khaos - "My Nice Guy" (Florida)
101. Kono - "Ring Out" (California)
102. La Need Machine - "Scary Voices" (Washington)
103. Like Savages - "Caskets" (Massachusetts)
104. Low-Key Awesome - "Breathe" (Florida)
105. Lucifungus - "Sloth" (Australia)
106. Luna Falling - "The End" (Ohio)
107. Lÿnx - "Shake It Up" (Canada)
108. Man Must Explore - "Age Old Dance Pt. 2" (New York)
109. Mara's Shadow - "What Could've Been" (Alaska)
110. Mercury Sun - "Midnight Science" (Australia)
111. Midnight Crow - "Buzzards Roost" (Wisconsin)
112. Mile 134 - "Deadweight" (Wisconsin)
113. Milk St. - "Baseball" (Maine)
114. Mindless Society - "Summer of '22" (California)
115. Minority - "Too Young" (Slovakia)
116. Molten Black - "Till The Day I Die" (Canada)
117. Monsters At Bay - "Black Parade" (Nebraska)
118. My Latest Failure - "Bad Dreams" (United Kingdom)
119. My Own Black - "Wrath Eternal" (Germany)
120. Nattsvermer - "Bad Knee" (Norway)
121. Never Kenezzard - "Ra" (Colorado)
122. Not For Saints - "Wake Up" (Germany)
123. Nova Luna - "Nova Vita" (Italy)
124. Nowhere but Down - "Testing" (Missouri)
125. No Worth of Man - "Death Reflections" (United Kingdom)
126. Odd Atrocity - "Words for Wayward" (Pennsylvania)
127. Out in Style - "Broken Inside" (Brazil/Canada)
128. Oxeneers - "Methuselah" (Pennsylvania)
129. PariahSystem - "Arc" (Oklahoma)
130. Perpetual Deception - "The Eye of Sauron" (Louisiana)
131. Pitch Black Mentality - "Fear the Rising Sun" (Norway)
132. Pohjoisen Soturit - "Korppi" (Finland)
133. Purging Sin - "The Dark Ages" (New Hampshire)
134. Raven Black Night - "Visions" (Australia)
135. Redwood Ridge - "Fall From Grace" (Scotland)
136. ReFrame - "The Captive Soul" (Tennessee)
137. Revelation - "Lost Humanity" (New Mexico)
138. Riot/Gear - "Angel of Mercy" (Arizona)
139. Rotfang and the Reptilians - "Retriever" (Finland)
140. Rurally Bankrupt - "Going for Broke" (Pennsylvania)
141. Sacrifice the Sacred - "Djentleman" (Missouri)
142. Scars of Atrophy - "Smoke Screen" (Arizona)
143. Science Penguin - "Octopus Punch" (Maryland)
144. Scorched Vatika - "Loss For Words" (Tennessee)
145. Seven40Seven - "Candy-O" (California)
146. Shadow Valley - "Joy" (Texas)
147. Sidewinder - "Red Moon" (New Zealand)
148. Sikario - "From Beyond" (Chile)
149. SiNN - "Half-Life" (Virginia)
150. Skeptic Lens - "Give Up The Ghost" (Ohio)
151. Slanderus - "Cobra Kai" (California)
152. Smell My Pillow - "747" (Minnesota)
153. Solar Flare Sunset - "Everything" (Colorado)
154. Sonic Guns - "Knew Your Name" (Switzerland)
155. Spellbook - "Goddess" (Pennsylvania)
156. Split66 - "Deceiver" (Missouri)
157. Stellagen - "Night Spirit" (Australia)
158. Stolen Organ - "Booze Devil" (Finland)
159. Strange Skies - "Against the Blood" (Kentucky)
160. Summer Seventeen - "Magnificent" (Germany)
161. Surviving September - "The End" (Florida)
162. Tears of a Deity - "Memories in Stone" (Canada)
163. Tenderhooks - "Queen of Hearts" (England)
164. The Adverse Effect - "The Crow" (Washington)
165. The Barcode Bandits - "Devil on my Shoulder" (South Africa)
166. The Cult ov Crowley - "Little Blonde Witch Girl" (Ohio)
167. The Desperate Mind - "The Great Delusion" (Czech Republic)
168. The Dirty South Band - "Fuss and Fight" (North Carolina)
169. The Grassland Sinners - "Oh Futility" (Spain)
170. The Haptics - "Doubt" (British Columbia)
171. The Magician Reversed - "The Incantation" (Ohio)
172. The Tragic Company - "Leave It All Behind" (Spain)
173. Tin Zelkova - "Rotten Man" (Kentucky)
174. Too Late For Roses - "Take It Easy Tara" (Kentucky)
175. Trendescent - "Better" (Florida)
176. Tuesday Atlas - "Holding Shape" (Indiana)
177. Valoria - "Homebound" (Rhode Island)
178. Videotape - "Tale of Two" (Missouri)
179. Vile Cynic - "One of Us" (Illinois)
180. Voices of the Damned - "Alone" (Ohio)
181. Where's the Lighter - "Land of Despair" (United Kingdom)
182. White Tyger - "Runaway Bride" (United Kingdom)
183. Winterstille - "If I Would Only Know" (Belgium)
184. Wired for Sound - "Tell Me" (New Hampshire)
185. Wise Blood - "Evil Eye" (Tennessee)
186. Withermoon - "Spectre of the Mists" (California)
187. Within the Midst - "Wake Me" (Virginia)
188. Wolfsmoke - "Spite Bites Back" (United Kingdom)
189. 137 - "Slug" (New York)
190. 3130 - "No Sympathy" (Ohio)
191. Thrash Hard City - "The Real Me" (Colorado)
192. Drown Again - "Measure of Man" (Washington)
193. Gunsblaze - "The Downfall" (Belgium)
194. Silent Temple - "One Day" (Oregon)
195. We Are To Blame - "Breathe" (Sweden)
196. Terrasana - "In the Silence" (California)
197. Slab of Porphyria - "Bleak Future" (Australia)
198. Asylum Pyre - "Virtual Guns" (France)
199. The Lillypillies - "Waiting for a Revolution" (Australia)
200. Reap the Light - "Isolate (Sloth)" ft Laura Guldemond (Maryland)
201. Sinister Fate - "I Love to Say F*ck" (Illinois)
202. Teku Syndrom - "Help Me Grow" (Canada)