1. Adience - "Creatures Like Me" (Indiana)
2. Ashe Madness - "Carnival" (Maine)
3. As The Ember Burns - "Devil in Disguise" (Ohio)
4. Astral Sleep - "We Are Already Living in the End of Times" (Finland)
5. Asylum Pyre - "Fighters" (France)
6. Avenue Army - "Favorite Enemy" (California)
7. Blud Red Roses - "Inside of Me" (New Jersey)
8. Bluetongue - "Disease" (Indiana)
9. Burn Forever - "Contempt" (Florida)
10. Cellar Twins - "Polaris" (Belgium)
11. Copen - "Animal" (United Kingdom)
12. Cynic Cult - "Fallen" (Ireland)
13. Daybreak Ends - "In This Loneliness" (California)
14. Encircled Throne - "The Faithless" (Mississippi)
15. Faith in Failure - "The End" (Ohio)
16. Farewell Fortune - "Mayhem" (Maryland)
17. Glider - "Miss Granada Legs" (Scotland)
18. Herratik - "Enough" (Australia)
19. Higgs Field - "Us Forever" (Australia)
20. Into Motion - "Simple Things" (Oregon)
21. Jumping the Gun - "Bad Behavior" (Florida)
22. Knock For Six - "Finding Providence" (Ohio)
23. Lakius - "This Tension" (New Zealand)
24. Lori & The Darlings - "Lucky" (Michigan)
25. Lost Asylum - "Dysfunctional Me" (United Kingdom)
26. Nowhere but Down - "So Down" (Missouri)
27. Outläw - "Whispering to Angels" (Australia)
28. Pariah System - "Fire of Autumn" (Oklahoma)
29. Retro Riot - "I Feel" (Florida)
30. Riot/Gear - "Weight of the Crown" (Arizona)
31. Roi and the Secret People - "Life is Happening" (Pennsylvania)
32. SinThya - "Zilchatron" (Georgia)
33. Skulldozer - "Bow to None" (Mississippi)
34. Smooth Retsina Glow - "Overcoming" (Pennsylvania)
35. Suspyria - "Vultures" (Australia)
36. The Bifurcated - "Grindage" (British Columbia)
37. The Cloudscape Connection - "The Servant Leads"
38. The Lost & Found - "Burn the Bridges" (United Kingdom)
39. Thrash Hard City - "Worms" (Colorado)
40. Unknown - "Fury" (Connecticut)
41. Where's the Lighter - "Toad Stool" (United Kingdom)
42. Years Down - "Shades of Grey" (Colorado)
43. Within The Walls - "Atlas" (Oklahoma)
44. Chester Doom - "Everybody Knows" (Canada)
45. Dead West - "Little Old Mexico" (Arizona)
46. Delphi Ravens - "Burn at Both Ends" (Oregon)
47. Doxy - "Dark World" (Oklahoma)
48. Eglaf - "Insomnia" (Pennsylvania)
49. Evil Sweet - "Something" (New York)
50. Fighting Our Friends - "Basketball is Just Slow Hockey" (Minnesota)
51. From Planet 3 - "I Feel Rich" (California)
52. Here Lies Wes - "Broken Hearts" (North Carolina)
53. Hexolyth - "Ignition" (Canada)
54. Indign - "A Warrior's Call" (Illinois)
55. SaintBreaker - "Ancient Lands" (Arizona)
56. The Truth Council - "Snake Bite" (Illinois)
57. Arm the Track - "Get Free" (Maryland)
58. HNBL - "Swan" (Pennsylvania)
59. Image of Deceit - "Light the Fire Inside" (Virginia)
60. In The Variant - "Pull the Wool" (Colorado)
61. Izamanya - "I Still Believe" (Switzerland)
62. Naerok - "Requiem" (Florida/Colorado)
63. Revilution - "Numb" (California)
64. Rurally Bankrupt - "4 Miles" (Pennsylvania)
65. Sage and Stone - "Island Dreamin'" (Pacific Northwest)
66. Seven40Seven - "Lonely Wolves" (California)
67. Shadow of Turning - "Lean On Me" (Sweden)
68. Yotuma - "The Traveler" (Wisconsin)