From: New Hampshire
Sounds like: Metal
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name "Supplication" and is there any meaning behind it?
Well Mark and I, who are brothers, started listening to Metal together when we were younger. He took to the drums and I to the bass and his friend Chris had just started to play guitar and we hung out all the time anyways. So the first example of the band was back in 2003 but we didn't become this version of Supplication until around 2008. We went through a bunch of vocalist and names before Supplication was picked. The name was picked by the former vocalist before I took that spot over when we decided to move more towards Death Metal and away from a more standard metal. We had been playing for quite a few years by this point and decided it just made sense to keep the name. We went through a few guitarist before Steve became a permanent member. Luckily Chris had stayed with us until he was comfortable that we found the right guy for the spot, and oh boy did we. Steve brought a very unique feel to the music and the three of us worked with each other for a while working on the sound and style we have now, 20 years after Mark and I first started. We still struggle on finding a permanent bassist but I am sure that the right person will be here soon.
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
What we take away. We want people to get the same enjoyment from listening that we get from playing it. We love moving in and out of different Extreme Metal genres as we write a song. It's exciting, fun, and unexpected at times.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
It's an acquired taste, haha. I think the best answer to this was when we met and played with the guys from Twitch Of The Death Nerve, Tom had said "when I was listening to you I kept trying to think of someone you sound like and I couldn't come up with anything, which is a good thing". We have a strong Slamming Deathcore feel but we add a lot of different elements to it to make it not the same as everyone else now. We feel that it isn't a necessity to work so hard to keep in one style, we let it happen organically and see where it goes.
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
So I'm answering this one a little different. Our first choice tour lineup would be with Dying Fetus, Cattle Decapitation, and Despised Icon. Second choice would be Electric Callboy, Brand of Sacrifice, and Putrid Pile.
Here is how we came up with the choices, which was not super easy. There are so many bands we would love to tour with for various reasons.
I would like to tour with Cattle Decapitation- Big influence on what I do and Electric Callboy- Just because I like their music and their performance and they seem like a blast to hang out with.
Steve says Dying Fetus or Putrid Pile both idolized for different reasons.
Mark would like Despised for the drummer, and Brand of Sacrifice for the rhythmic writing across the whole band.
5. How has Covid affected what you do?
We took quite a break during this time. We couldn't really play out anywhere and all of our schedules just got so jumbled we weren't meeting regularly anymore. Honestly I think it did us well, benefitted us to step away and come back with fresh eyes and ears and revamp a few things we were working on.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Metal?
There are so many new and incredible acts coming out now and it seems like everyone is trying to out do the pervious generation or even the band that came out last week. I think it's good for the scene as it pushes the boundaries which is what makes it grow.
7. What's the current music scene like there in New Hampshire?
It's a little lacking at the moment. There are a lot of bands but it seems we are mostly playing in Maine and Massachusetts. There are some venues starting to come back but nothing like it was years past. Most of it is in the southern part of the state and almost nonexistent once you get further then 45 minutes from the MA border. Hopefully we can help strengthen it back to where it was.
8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?
What royalties, haha. It seems to be a little bit of a joke for artist now. The percentage of a penny that an artist gets are ridiculous. That's why it is so important for the fans to support their favorite artist by purchasing merchandise directly from them and supporting them at live events.
9. What's next for Supplication?
We are in the process of writing a new E.P. which will be followed up with more shows, festivals, and merchandise.
10. Any shoutouts?
All the former members of the band who helped us build the style and catalog of music we have, and of course the fans, new and old who have stuck by us and help spread our name. Most importantly, our families who support us and are so understanding by sharing their limited available time with us so we can get together to do this.