From: United Kingdom
Sounds like: Rock
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "Von" come about and is there any meaning to it?
Sam: out of boredom.
Charlie: coerced by Sam.
James: They found me behind a dumpster on Facebook.
Joe: woke up behind the kit one day.
Sam: snowboarding game called Amped 3, and I like the name of the villain, Baron Von Havoc.
2. What do you want people to take away from your music?
James: merch.
Charlie: and a headache.
3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?
Sam: eccentric alt-rock.
James: a bit of prog in there but I like to lean towards pop a bit.
Charlie: as if Fred Durst skull****** muse.
Joe: *has fallen asleep*
4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
Sam: Mars Volta, Queens of the Stone Age, Chilli’s.
Charlie: Limpy B, Code Orange and LMFAO.
James: Muse, Leprous and Agent Fresco for me.
Joe: *still asleep*
5. How has Covid affected what you do?
We all wrote some good shit over covid.
6. What’s your take on the current state of Rock?
James: uh oh here we go.
Sam: “tries to quote Alex Turner”, but otherwise it’s shit.
Charlie: a lot of rough but a few diamonds.
Sam: only Polyphia stands out to me.
Charlie: Code Orange for me.
James: and Agent Fresco for me. Anything that stands on the outskirts of rock I think.
Joe: *asleep*
7. What’s the current music scene like there in the UK?
Sam: a lot of people trying, nobody really succeeding.
Charlie: slamming your head against a brick wall.
Sam: I think it’s the opposite!
Charlie: I do the booking.
James: I’d have said ask us when we are a part of it.
Charlie: *laughs* lots of nihilistic responses.
Joe: “zzzzzzzz”
8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?
Sam: You guys are getting royalties?
9. What’s next for Von?
Sam: Well by the third album I’ll be dead.
Charlie: I will install a dictatorship in a small country.
James: I think they mean…
Charlie: all families must stand in front of a logo of von and sing Pieces every morning.
Charlie: oh-
Sam: more gigs I guess? New songs.
Joe: “huh?” *fallen back to sleep”
10. Any shoutouts?
Charlie: Von. @themusicofvon
James: Martin Lewisdale @dracudads, for being the true OG fan and photographer, the guys in Zebedy for being really fucking lovely people, the guys from Leaf Promotions and Blood Eagle Promotions for all the opportunities they have given us, and Suzy from Wangies for allowing us back even after she thought I had died after I took a nose dive off an amplifier and broke my arm...
Sam: Andre the Cat. She is my muse.
James: oh and my girlfriend for being my taxi to each gig.
Joe: *we think he is narcoleptic*