-Interview- Hammersheep (9/29/24)

Hammersheep talks about their straight forward Metal sound, the Pennsylvania music scene and much more.


From: Pennsylvania
Sounds like: Metal

1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "Hammersheep" come about and is there any meaning to it?

Hammersheep is a rebuild of a former project. Jeriko, Bob, and John wanted to keep going as a metal cover band. There is nothing in our area like that, so we wanted to fill the void. Once Steve and Claude came aboard we began realizing we had our own sound. Jeriko began to find his voice by doing covers, but really developed after we started playing with the originals. Everyone in the band supplies insight into what we produce and how we want to sound, no egos here, just great teamwork. As we continue to write we’re excited to see how we grow.

Lol… the name came about as a running joke we had going on as we were looking for a name. “Sheep” was our running joke on a lot of the names we were tossing around, and during a text chat we were tossing around names involving “hammer”, cause you know…. Metal music….lol. Anyway someone poster Hammersheep and the chat went silent. Jeriko said “I don’t hate it” and then John came up with a quick version of our logo. It just stuck, and then we started rationalizing how certain horned sheep will fight and but heads to lead the pack….. and that struck a chord with us. We were those who fight against the same old music and bands being pushed into the scene. So we are Hammersheep….. those who fight!

2. What do you want people to take away from your music?

That is something we are still developing really. We want people to enjoy the music at a primal level. We want it to be expressive and relatable. Music, especially metal, is a visceral connection to our emotions and that’s all we’re trying to create….. a visceral audio representation of our collective attitude.

3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?

We’re not trying to reinvent the wheel here. Someone described us as groove metal, but I think as we create that will shift. We love riffs like older metal bands like Pantera, but we love harmonies like Killswitch. We are simply put straight forward metal, nothing fancy or over produced. Simple, angry, aggressive, and good for head banging!

4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?

That’s a tough one cause we love so many different bands. Definitely Killswitch Engage, As I Lay Dying, and maybe In Flames….. but really we love playing with anyone and everyone!

5. What's your thoughts on AI generated music?

Not a fan. It’s just a regurgitated formula of what’s already there. Too much music is written with no connection. Just like you can tell homemade food from mass produced, you can do that with music…. Or any art. It was “generated” and not created. When an artist creates they put a part of themselves in that creation. AI will never replace that part of music.

6. What’s your take on the current state of Metal?

That’s a loaded question. So many styles of “metal” exist right now that it’s hard to just make a blanket statement, but I think with that said metal is still very relevant and growing. The new sounds out with all the over produced songs will eventually give way to plain guitar riffs and raw vocals. Again like we said that visceral connection has to be there. Music is always cyclical and metal will always be an underlying bedrock to new music.

7. What’s the current music scene like there in Pennsylvania?

PA has a very diverse music scene. So many artists from metal and country to rap and hip hop. The rock and metal scene is loaded with a lot of talent.

8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?

We are just getting started with that, but seems it should be more. There will most likely be changes as time goes on, but it is what it is. It’s so simple to create and release, especially for simple “beats” that anyone can produce on their computers.

9. What’s next for Hammersheep?

We’re creating more music obviously, and excited about the ideas we have. We plan on doing more original music shows with bands in the area. We have plans to shoot a music video and will hopefully have that finalized soon. We are working on the new ideas of social media and content to grow your brand, so keep an eye out for that. There are irons in the fire for some big opening slots in 2025, just waiting on management and agents to work out details.

10. Any shoutouts?

Well obviously our families who support us as we grow. Tom Taylor and Joe Amabile with Vertigo Entertainment are always looking out for us. Fever Dreams Entertainment, Zack and Jimmy for the recordings, they did an amazing job. Kristen Osman for all the amazing photo work she does for us.