-Interview- Phelocipastor (9/9/24)

Phelocipastor talks about their formation, the West Virginia music scene and much more.


From: West Virginia
Sounds like: Punk/Rock/Metal

1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "Phelocipastor" come about and is there any meaning to it?

Jack: I've been involved with music since I was a child. My parents had me take piano lessons with a local teacher which is where I got my foundational understanding of theory and sheet music. I went on to play in the school bands all throughout grade school. I played the clarinet, sousaphone, drums, and guitar (badly) before I landed on bass. My junior year of high school, my best friend was trying to get a band together and it just so happened their bass player was super flaky. So I decided I would play bass. I had another friend who hung out at my place a lot and he left his bass there for a couple weeks, and so I learned the basics (pun intended) and joined up with the band. We later had to replace our drummer, which is when Hank came in. That band was called Grape Apple Soup, which was a blend of indie rock, alternative, and punk. Towards the end we started getting kinda prog too. We only wrote about 10 songs and released 1 EP over the course of 3 years, but it was a lot of fun and the experiences, friendship, and lessons I learned were well worth it. After I had a harsh falling out with our guitar player and primary songwriter, I became pretty lost and burnt out on music. I started numbing myself with weed big time, which led to a case of marijuana-induced psychosis which landed me in the psych ward for 2 weeks. I don't want to get in the details about that episode because it was really embarrassing, but I said and did a lot of crazy shit that had everyone around me worried. Over the next year or so I finished college and formed a new band with Hank and a couple friends from school. We went to Mountain Music Fest in 2023 and had a great time, which is where the name Phelocipastor came from. We were trying to come up with a band name and I wanted to try and fuse together words to come up with a great name. I jammed together the words velociraptor, philosopher, and pastor, which became Phelocipastor. It's like a Pokémon name. We didn't go with the name sadly, but I kept it in the back of my mind. After I had another drug induced psychotic episode, that band split up. I realized I had no choice but to get clean. My head was already fucked up enough with a lot of unresolved childhood trauma rearing it's ugly head, and the drugs were not helping at all. After a failed roots rock project with my friend Silas Hunter, I decided it was time I formed MY band. "If you want something done right, do it yourself." I recruited Josh via a Facebook post, Hank because he's always played drums for me, and Justin on guitar because I played in the Glenville State Jazz band with him and knew he loved rock music. And the rest is history. I'm extremely lucky to be surrounded with bandmates who want this just as bad as I do and I don't intend on wasting this opportunity.

2. What do you want people to take away from your music?

Jack: What people take from our music is up to them. Art is always up to interpretation. That being said, we have one song in particular I want people to pay special attention to, that being Jackoff. On the surface it's a crass and crude pop punk song about jerking off way too much, but it's actually a cautionary tale about how being addicted to pornography ruins your ability to form healthy relationships with the opposite sex. I don't want people to hear the crass lyrics and shut it out by default. Listen to what we are saying, because it's a serious issue that many men deal with, and it's not getting better with the advent of sites like Onlyfans. But most importantly, I simply want people to enjoy our music.

Josh: I'm with Jack on this art is always open to interpretation. I want people to feel something when they listen to our music and know that they aren't alone in whatever it is they are dealing with because there are 4 dudes who are feeling the same things.

3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?

Jack: Good question. I would say it's a blend of pop punk, metal, and butt rock. There are also some elements of grunge, funk, and rap.

4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?

Jack: Flagman.

Justin: Short answer, ZZ top, long answer, I'm down with anyone who is down with us. If we're talking people we've seen and played with on a bill, Sinz of Eden. Those guys are badass.

Josh: Point North.

Hank: Modest Mouse.

5. What's your thoughts on AI generated music?

Justin: Depending on the application, it is OK. Commercially I prefer music made by people, but for a video for example of just for funsies, it fine.

Josh: I mean you can make cool songs using AI but nothing beats seeing a band live and feeling it when you listen to a song someone poured their heart into.

Hank: I like that AI generated music opens up opportunities for people who lack the ability to create music on their own and can be used as a tool for people to use to overcome writers block. It can also be used as a way to explorer sounds and ideas you would never have thought of yourself. However, I hate the idea of AI music becoming all we listen to.

6. What’s your take on the current state of Punk/Rock/Metal?

Jack: I think it's obvious rock as a whole is dead to the mainstream. There aren't enough new bands achieving that level of mass appeal for the genre to stay relevant. I think the only rock band that's gotten to that level in recent history is Måneskin, which is an amazing band. Other artists like Olivia Rodrigo incorporate rock elements in their music, which is great, but I think it's time we accept rock is out of the spotlight. As far as metal goes, I'm sorry but all the modern bands just sound like they're trying to copy Bad Omens, with obvious exceptions like Sleep Token. And honestly I'm not very familiar with the punk scene. But to wrap up my thoughts, I just wanna say I don't want Phelocipastor to be a band that's stuck in the past. We're open to using modern technology and collaborating with other artists outside of our genre.

7. What’s the current music scene like there in West Virginia?

Jack: There's no shortage of great musicians and good people. The problem is that I don't think there are enough venues and people interested in going to those venues for the WV music scene to truly thrive. I will say though, we have been extremely fortunate to have made the connections we've made. This is hands down the most successful band I've been a part of and it's largely in part to the people that have supported us.

Justin: The scene in WV is growing in all genres and I'm excited for it to grow even more. I'm damn proud to be a part of it.

Josh: It's hard everywhere to get people to support live music but more so in this state due to the limited amount of venues. We are gonna work as hard as we can and come out swinging with an amazing record.

8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?

Justin: As far as payouts, It depends on rates as long as everyone gets a fair slice of the pie.

9. What’s next for Phelocipastor?

Jack: Later this month we're going into the studio to record 2 more singles. We plan to release 5-6 singles before releasing an album. We're always working on new material and we plan to pick the cream of the crop to put on our debut record, so please stay tuned.

10. Any shoutouts?

Jack: Marjie Foster, John Kimble, John McKinney, Dr. Jason Barr, Silas Metheny, Hear! Here! Studios, the bands Homebrood, Auditty 3, Brasstaxx, BERTH, Isiaac², and Sinz of Eden. Lastly, my mother Jeanette Boyce and late father Joe Boyce for putting me on this track from a young age as well as the endless support.

Justin: I have to shout out these guys here. If it wasn't for Jack, Hank, and Josh bringing me in with open arms and bringing me up in more ways than one, just like I do and would continue to do for them, I don't know how I could stay sane. I'm there for my brother's in Phelocipastor. Just like I know they'll be there for me. Thanks guys. I love all three of ya.

Josh: Josh: My super supportive girlfriend Hope, Sinz of Eden, Hear! Here! Studios.

Hank: I'd like to shout out Radiohead, and road head.