1. Against Everyone - "Iced" (Maryland)
2. All Is Taken - "Falyn's Grace" (Texas)
3. CMPT - "Crna voda" (Serbia)
4. Monkey Intrusion - "The Brighter Side" (Italy)
5. Now Its Dark - "Shattered Glass & Broken Fingers" (Illinois)
6. O'Craven - "Fill Me Tankard" (California)
7. Punk Angels - "Aint No Lover" (North Carolina)
8. Short Fuse - "Murder Inc" (California)
9. The Dark Table - "Tall Thorn" (Quebec)
10. Two Piece Face - "Only" (Oregon)
11. W't'M - "One Reason" (Denmark)
12. A Separate Piece - "Through Empty Eyes" (South Carolina)
13. Damballa - "Step Up" (Illinois)
14. Darkened Skies - "Skeletons" (Canada)
15. Dexoflex - "I Don't Think" (California)
16. Manhattan Century - "Sterile Sun" (Austria)
17. Firing At Statues - "Father of the Year" (Glasgow)
18. BlackBird Rain - "Staring at the Sky" (Texas)
19. East of Anthony - "Free" (single version) (Arkansas)
20. Hell Comes Home - "Honor is Everything" (Arkansas)
21. Intercite - "Ode to Beer" (New Zealand)
22. Take It or Leave It - "Run" (New Jersey/New York)
23. Velvet Road - "The Longest Walk" (Arizona)
24. The Black Curtain Band - "Rearviewmirror" (Netherlands/Germany)
25. Boney Fiend - "Die Tomorrow" (Florida)
26. Who On Earth - "Lobotomy" (New Jersey)
27. Audation - "Blacklight" (Nebraska)
28. Ciemra - "War" (Belarus)
29. Firing At Statues - "Anxiety" (Glasgow)
30. Altamadum - "Living In Your Shadow" (Canada)
31. as system fails - "Harsh Reality" (Connecticut)
32. Engineer of Death - "Oceans" (Bulgaria)
33. Rationalist - "Helldiver" (Utah)
34. Tazer - "Never Live By Violence" (Norway)
35. The Dark Table - "Priceless (Nintendoom)" (Quebec)
36. Won Word Trend - "Getaway" (Massachusetts)