-Interview- As System Fails (12/15/24)

As System Fails talks about their signature style, upcoming plans and much more.


From: Connecticut
Sounds like: Punk

1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "As System Fails" come about and is there any meaning to it?

I got started with music many years ago started by writing out music I write constantly while working on my sound which to me sound I always develop and be what I want it to be like. The name as system fails came about one day when listening to the news and just not trying to be political but all tying to be very Punk at the same time then it just came out and struck a chord the meaning can mean whatever you want it too mean cause many have many different meanings to a band name so I can’t describe a actual meaning to it.

2. What do you want people to take away from your music?

I want people to take the honesty in my words and honesty from the music that I pour my heart and soul into my music and really that’s what I want people and listeners to take away from my music.

3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?

My sound is very unique and different which is kinda hard to grasp at first but you catch on very quickly I make my own sound cause I love originality and love to do original ideas so fourth and so on. So for the average listener I would focus more on the words than anything because that’s where you hear my true foundation and my true roots and that’s the side I want really shown to my fan base new and old.

4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?

Three bands I'dd like to tour with are Green Day, Creed and Blink 182.

5. What's your thoughts on AI generated music?

AI Generated music isn’t for me, mostly im sensing a trend to it in most ways and that’s not me that’s not what I wanna be known for. AI generated music isn’t really real music to me and people can have their own opinions too it but for me it's just not my thing its ok if others like it or like to do it but honestly just not my cup of tea.

6. What’s your take on the current state of Acoustic Rock?

Current state of Acoustic Rock I think is great aside from Punk Rock music I love acoustic rock and aside from as system fails I do an acoustic rock project under my name Kyle McGrath I've notice there are acoustic rock artists that do it very well and others don’t but I appreciate it either way.

7. What’s the current music scene like there in Connecticut?

The Connecticut music scene is a tough one cause it was really good at one point and still is to a degree but its hard to get somewhere in the CT music Scene cause its always the same venue same crowd etc however going into New Haven that’s where there’s more of the CT local music but very hard to break out in, which id like to branch out of the CT scene and take the music elsewhere but CT music scene has got me a start of where I want to be.

8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?

So with royalties and streaming services I'm not in it for money I mean the money is great but I'm in it for the musicians streaming is a blessing and a curse yet never really gives a great pay to the artists but is good for publicity for sharing it but im also old school with physical CDS cause of the personal connection it holds where the listener meets the artist and the artist handing the listener their true work of art.

9. What’s next for As System Fails?

So for as system fails I have a record coming that I'm super stoked about and want to share it with the world and though it maybe touchy subject it's nothing but total honesty and my best at work and I have my first vinyl to go with it but I will tour it around and hopefully tour other states and bring them a little taste of As System Fails.

10. Any shoutouts?

For shout outs I wanna thank all my true friends out there who’ve shown me true support and help me to be where I am today big shout out to Richard Demko and Bobby Roberts of the band cardboard dream house for their support, and a big thanks to Richard Demko for all the great songs he’s produced for me over the years.