Sounds like: Hard Rock
From: California
1. What's new with Kono?
The second album is almost done! I am very excited to say it'll be here soon. I am wrapping up the final instrumental parts on two more songs, and then it's time for vocals. This will be the first time I have different musicians playing on a Kono album, my dad is adding beautiful piano to a couple tunes and my very talented friend is going to do guitar solos all over one specific song.
2. What can you tell us about the new music?
It's staying pure album rock, but my parts are a little more refined. I got older since I recorded the first Kono album (released Summer 2020), so my studio chops are better. The first album I only used one guitar to record the whole thing, but on this one I used 4 different ones to get more tonal variation. My producer/publisher is always giving me more goals and challenges to reach, and our process keeps getting better.
3. What are some highlights in 2024 you've experienced?
We performed at the Santa Barbara Fair this year, which was a goal we met for 2024. Also, finally having all three official live Kono band members appear in the "American Shogun" music video was a highlight.
4. What are some things in 2025 you wish to accomplish?
The main goal is an early 2025 sophomore album release, and then make more of our campy music videos based on that. We are gonna end the promotion of the first album "era" with an acoustic show, doing songs we don't do often from that album. After that, I'm ready to self-promote and play music in support of the next album.
5. What have you been listening to lately?
1970's Hard Rock. 1980's and early 1990's Hip/Hop. Classic 1950's Rock and Roll.
6. How's the local music scene there where Kono is based from?
It's welcoming but I wish there was more action. Santa Barbara is a wonderful place to base all our content out of, but we are gonna start playing more in adjacent towns and cities. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but I'd like to see more hustle for DIY art like I hear about a few hours south. Kono is gonna stay a Santa Barbara thing, but we want to make appearances elsewhere!
7. What can you tell us about new merch or artwork design?
I'll be doing it again. The second album concept is already defined and I think it'll go over well. It's a little more stylized and fun than the first album cover. The first cover was just a really good old family photo that depicted the themes of the debut really well. We made shirts for the band members and family members, we can always make more.
8. Any music videos in the works?
I feel pretty good about making 5 full videos for an album that was really only popular on a local level. Even some of the best selling albums of all time only had 2 or 3 videos made for them. The campy videos we make are a great example of taking advantage of DIY over a signed deal. You can make any and all the content you want, you just have to stand on it and call it official. But you can bet you'll be seeing more of those when there's a whole new album out.
9. What do you want listeners to enjoy most from Kono?
Hard rocking songwriter music that has a lot of energy. When people think of "independent music", softer stuff with ukuleles/cajons or more fringe alternative content comes to mind. We do unapologetic hard rock with hooks and power on an independent level.